Repeat Freeze during quest Descent into Flame PS5

Stuck here as well. Cannot go through the door. Tried changing graphics to lowest possible and changing world tier from 2 to 1. Did nothing, have tried several times and crashes every time.

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Same having this problem today. Really hoping it’s a bug and don’t have to restart my whole character would be a huge disappointment as all my buddies are 50+…

Anyone know if Blizzard/Dev team is on this or?

I had the same issue as well on pc, it’s got something to do with the minions if you have minions and try to enter into the temple you will crash despawn your minions and try again, I crashed three times and on the 3rd time I had restarted my computer. I took both routes the left side twice and the right side twice I kept freezing not knowing what was up I play a Necromancer with summons. I read turn down the graphics etc I did not do that when I had researched online for the problem I was having I heard that it stopped crashing when you despawn your minions I did this and was able to continue my journey. Hope this helps!
TLDR ; Despawn your minions = fixed

Fixed for me by going and doing some side quests. Came back and lowered graphics settings to low before going through door. Did not change world tier. Was able to progress. Weird bug.

Playing on PC by the way.

Im playing on PS5 and changing world tier helped!! Try it:)

I have done all of the things 7 times…it keeps freezing. This is the first time it’s ever frozen for me. Also I went all the way to the final boss yesterday and quit because I kept dying to him…I come back to try again today and it freezes every time I get to the door.

Ok…I have restarted for the 8th time, switched to tier 1, killed all my minions, took all my armor off, and FINALLY…I entered :expressionless::expressionless:

Oh and I turned off crossplay

Having someone joined helped after a dozen time solo. I tried the methods listed, but none worked for some reason even without minions. I will say that my friend went through first and them I walked in after them and I assume teleporting to them might work.

100% on ps5 playing local co op, tried world tier, doing side quests console restart still persisting unable to enter the temple door

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Same for me, total lock up and requires a force close on PS5. Tried a few of the things listed and nothing worked so far

Is Blizzard on this bug yet? This is a huge bug. Like they never play tested it on PS5…

PS5. Same issue.
Initially I got the 3 blessings, went to boss, crashed. Now I crash just trying to reach the door with lorath.

Same issue on PS5 was able to enter then exited the game when loggin back in continues to crash when entering the temple

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