Remove OVERPOWER damage from Sorc tempers!

What the hell is the point of having overpower damage on anything sorc-related? There is absolutely ZERO synergy with overpower damage and sorcs. Is this just another filler temper to make people angry that they keep hitting it while tempering?


Wow, sorcs getting OP as part of their temper kit? Do you know what gear slot/affix type pool this is in?

Some of the mod groups have 5 different outcomes already, so it’s nice GA items will have additional tries to temper. But adding in more filler nonsense like this seems like a step back.

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They allowed Sorc to wield Mace so I guess makes sense to have some options :slight_smile:

My guess however is they should probably consider adding Barrier into the final OP damage form

It’s in their offensive pool, same temper as vuln/crit dmg/and another very useful temper → ultimate damage. So you have 2/4 tempers that are absolutely useless.


oh theres one single affex that lets “core skills overpower” every 20 seconds and then spawn some blood orbs or something… but LOL 20 seconds… when a NMD is close to 2minutes each, thats only like 5-6 OPs a NMD if that

would be cool if we could utalize OP / or ULT dmg. heck getting a viable sorce to apply vuln faster would be nice since the Exploit glyph for BARB and ROGUE apply VULN leaving them (with more items slots even) to not need to affix vampire VULN or find other rare lucky hit chances to apply it…

You could also axe your coveted amulet aspect slot to put in Banished Lord Talisman. Spend 275 mana for a free overpower that hits harder on a crit. Seriously, though, a glass cannon has no use for an offensive stat that scales on LIFE and FORTIFY. I will eat my hat if someone showcases a sorc overpower build that can be competitive without using some bug or massive exploit.

Is it still there on the PTR? They did a slight revamp of some tempers. Although on the PTR I’m still missing tempers to see if they removed useless things like damage to distance for barbs.

If they remove OP and only leaves cirt/vul/untimate damage in the recipe for sorc, then end game player will probably create a sorc just for the higher tempering chance to get the crit damage next season. Just like people create rogue this season to temper crit damage.

This manual is not sorc exclusive. Its all class manual. Ultimate damage is as useless except for Rogue.


the same meme I see is Damage to distant for barbarians…

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this is because this D4 team is lazy. Each class should have their own sets of tempering.
no globals at all.

Also they gave Sorcs MACES(op) and not AXES(dot) :man_facepalming:
Maybe Overpower will save Sorcs! There’s a “Plan” in the works! hahaha