Remove lucky hit chance from mendeln

since mendeln no longer functions with lucky hit can you please also change the lucky hit chance stat to something more useful? thx

lucky hit is always useful on necro, in pretty much any build comp. in the case of the minionmancer especially for corpse generation.


This is true, I’d rather keep the lucky hit chance honestly. In fact give me more, increase it 10 fold! Well maybe not that much, but still, can never have enough.


with the new ring, ill focus on attack speed (minions+char+paragon etc…) to trigger the ring asap to get a more fun and fast gameplay; now we will have a 100%proc every 6 hits by every minion, super good and it’s what i was hoping for, huge buff to minions+faster ring proc, my dream comes true ahah


yea same, the lucky hit will still we vital for boss fights tho, especially with the change to the skeletal priests =D