Refund Diablo 4 pre-order

Ok fair…GOOD feedback should at least have a possible resolution :+1:

Thank you to BigFatDan and MissCheeth. The link and reply helped. It is exactly what I was looking for.
My PC doesn’t have enough RAM so the game looked like melted chocolate. I pre-ordered the game instead on PS5 and now I’m excited again. I appreciate you both, thank you again.

Also, some people take games way to serious. :laughing:


Refunded my $99, Rod Fergusson’s downright stupid comment regarding the hardcore race was the final straw. That and the wow token debarkle in classic wotlk has made the upper management practices something I can no longer financially support. I hope one day Blizzard can hire some upper management who can make good games and not just good “products”.

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Save /subscribe to this thread, when d4 releases and eventually it is on downtime, visit this thread and check the accounts playing it. Itll make you laugh.


You called him names/a liar.
He proved you wrong.
You then attacked him again.

You are pathetic. Grow up kiddo.

They dont have shady ways of doing buisness or anything right?
I mean selling early access is pretty shady, but since people are used to it, its ok…

You people think with feelings and not brains way too often.

this made me laugh, picturing a person throwing down a old sandwich with a bite in it on a KFC counter yelling that the game sucks demanding money back :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’ll have to agree with you, after all this talk guaranteeing the community it wouldn’t be pay 2 win they announce this race that starts on the early release. They already starting the p2w culture and people think there won’t be more?

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Why group HK, TW and Macau with China? You guys want CCP money that bad?
They suffer enough playing with VPN criminals and you don’t let them join the race… dam

I would ban them from buying another battlenet product and slap on a 10% canceling fee for wasting time. Bunch of entitled brats.

All refunds should also block forum access.

But tell us, who asked?

Have fun on the outside looking in.

Good. Serves you right for posting a troll post.

When I see a lot of this, and complaining about cost; I feel games are missing out by not providing a low end tier. Maybe $40 gets you story access only and less character slots or something.

Basically; for persistent online games, we have gone from subscriptions, to free to play with cash shops/Seasons, to buy to play with cash shops/Seasons. Seems there could be room for a budget buy to play with an upgrade path if you decide you want more

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Played 5 minutes of this game and realized it is the exact same as diablo 2 and 3 but with a massive pay to win aspect. I thought I had logged into diablo immortal for a second. Requested a refund and says Im not eligible.

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Man, sorry to hear.
if only there was an opportunity for you to have tried out the game before release.
Like a Beta weekend or something.

There is zero p2w in this game. You must be trollin

He is. Probably a POE fanboy :rofl:

he is clearly looking for attention. ignore him