Reddit poll (now closed): which class will you start at launch

Final results: Rogue (2000 votes) and Sorcerer (1800) lead the pack, followed by Barbarian and Druid (1500 each) , and Necromancer (1400).

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Tossed my lot in for Sorceress starter.

Feels quite equally distributed TBH when I checked it now.

barb WW seems to be the best build right now across classes. Streamers simply don’t publicize it because they are afraid of the nerf hammer, but this is my pick :wink:


Necro as of now… might change my mind depending on what the datamined stuff says when the game is ready for download. :beers:

I find the change of opinion on Rogue to be fascinating. First beta, it was considered the most balanced. Then the nerf patch comes through, hits it slightly but less than most others. After Slam, it’s considered by many to be the most OP.

Damn a lot of people like the show results class. I might have to reconsider my main.

Druid for life. Gonna make a fat Thor.

No alts!


The truth of it is it was op. It was more OP than hydra wizard.

It just did not get focus on the forum and by streamers.

This is why I have such an issue with how blizz has been balancing.

Aside from the heavy handedness of it hey are not looking at the classes and abilities they are looking at youtube and the forums. It is less developing and more social media managing.

i mean this is heavy influenced by the server slam, so it always needs to be seen with a grain of salt.
I think before the slam necro would be a lot higher i suppose :wink:

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It was, Necro was at top near Sorc on previous polls but assume the nerfs have changed a lot of individuals opinions.

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Rogue will be my main character. Two Swords. I like it.

Second will be the Necro.
I also liked the sorcerer but the two before mentioned classes won my heart.

I could not identify with the Druid or Barbarian. I played the barbarian in D2. Yeah was fun. But now i need something new.

Dont get mad about the Ashara Solo Kills and the high damage numbers of any class. They were optimized with optimized gear you cant get when you just played for fun without deeper understanding what everything does.

Dont give up after 15 mins fiddling and trying out things. It could take some time till you can create proper builds that not only satisfy with damage numbers but also match your personal playstyle and understanding of having fun.

You can rock with every class. Theres no great OP class. Every class have benefits.

Stay positive, stay happy, dont get angry, have fun :heart_eyes_cat:

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well if outlierskills are an indication for blizzard which class gets hit hard with the nerfhammer next, then my bet will be on rogue :wink: . Looking at how they treated sorc.

Go Barb, go Barb, Go Barb…

I’m going wuth Rogue. I liked the playstyle and having the option of melee or range. Next is Sorcerer, then Necro.

It’s funny people think Necro will be weak. It’s going to be one of the most OP classes.

We’re talking strictly about Reddit and Forum opinoin here, which is a very minor nerd % of the playerbase.

I suspect Rogue has slightly tipped over the edge due to a finding out of how cool the abilities are, the mix between close range and long range and the typical cooler customization (Scorpion/Sub Zero look) Vs…
a fairly underwhelming very early game from the other classes.

I was sure I was going to go Sorc, I thought I would only enjoy that, then I decided to go Rogue for 3-4 hours in slam and then I made up my mind…
“Rogues much cooler and better designed mechnically imo!”. It is what it is…

Fire Sorc I want to see the world burn

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I’m still debating between barb or druid. Initially wanted druid, after beta wanted barb. Played barb most of server slam but did a last minute druid at 9am Sunday and I am undecided between the two once again.

Necromancer or a Druid
Edit:Probably both actually…