Ray tracing ps5

30fps. NO thank you. lmao


Yeah i know, that’s literally 100% doomed, a certain waste of money known in advance… why!!! That tester should be used on something else.

1080p 60 please.

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Wait, Ray Tracing is coming to console?

They added that in Witcher 3 it was a problem. The game hard enough on my gpu as it is.

Just saw the news articles. Nifty.

I wonder if the improved ambient occlusion and contact shadows will apply to current generation consoles in all modes, or only the fidelity mode with ray tracing.

Also curious if last gen consoles will get the improved ambient occlusion and contact shadows, and if so, will they still expect a steady 30 FPS target.

It lags on my ps5 and the horse has a slow mo issue when spawning in i went round the map did the “look” places to compare on amd off ray tracing on my 70inch 4k tv 2160 blah de blah and tbh im not really sold on ray tracing on ps5 it just slows fps down and i just cant do 30fps these days

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The horse lagging isn’t due to ray tracing, but the 30 FPS cap. Last gen consoles are capped at 30 FPS and always has been, and the horse lag has always been there.

For current generation consoles, I agree: ray tracing is nice to have and there is a visual difference, but I usually find it minor enough/not worth the performance hit.

The only 2 console games I’ve played with ray tracing where I feel it’s been done well is the (software based) ray traced GI in Gear 5, and ray traced reflections in DOOM Eternal.

They should limit it to 60 and the performance mode should do 120. That’s what PS5 games usually do. In fact the Xbox series S can do 120 FPS at 4k, but on the PS5 they limited it to 60, no matter it is the better hardware. WTF LOL

low FPS on XBOX Series X too.

If FPS were good, i dont care aboud sharp shadows. As much i care abou a armory or good gameflow. Know your priority blizz.

Ray tracing is very expensive on current generation consoles. Typically it’s either a sacrifice in frame rate, or a sacrifice in resolution to make it happen (there’s often additional graphical downgrades as well). Personally, I find the sacrifices usually not worth it.

Quality Modes and Performance Modes also tend to vary from title to title. Some are 60 FPS and 120 FPS, some are 30 FPS and 60 FPS. That’s still quite common enough.

The Xbox Series S rarely does native 2160p, and for gaming the console typically targets 1440p (via native, upscaling, or image reconstruction like FSR 2.0).

They did though, it’s an optional mode and openly stated it would target 30 FPS. If you aren’t keen on the reduced frame rate, you can continue to use the performance mode that’s been the game’s only mode since day 1.