Ray tracing makes the game looks worse?

Does anyone think the game actually looks better with the harder, non-ray-traced shadows? Seems like the new Ambient Occlusion update will do more for the visuals than ray tracing…

i kinda like it, but meh, its not really that big of a difference for me ^^

i mean in the end you have the choice to use it so ^^

Looks more realistic as shadows IRL are more blurry than accurate tracings of the physical shape the farther you get from the source. So that makes sense to me.

Personally speaking though, it doesn’t matter to me. If it drops my frame rate it’s going to be a no go either way, and considering I don’t have a souped up video card I probably won’t be using this anyway. More power to the people that do though, I hope they like it.


I wont know until I actually try it.

In 3 days, if they don´t delay the release I will enable it for sure.
And Blizzard already posted about it today with many images differences.

For me it makes a lot of difference in the final result.

blizzard is never great with raytracing.

when it came to wow it made things look worse and even made some reflective textures completely white. it was awful.

fully expecting the same type of scenario here.

D4 has laughably inaccurate character shadow that it rotates with the character in areas the developer team doesn’t clearly define where light sources are.

For example, if you stand around the teleport pad in the Gatehall facing south, the character shadow is cast towards north behind the character. However, if you turn 180 degree and face north, the shadow will be cast towards south.

OOh finally a feature for casuals.

Shadows are nice, but i almost certainly wont be able to afford it on my 1080ti.

Ambient occlusion… going to have to see this. Usually stronger ao is a good thing, but if its so dark that it reduces detail, or starts making blacked out areas look like detail (eg the stairs) will have to see. Hopefully the previous ultra is maintained in the settings.

Reflections are meh.

The only strong feelings though are i wish they went for a 1080p 60 on consoles… who freaking cares about freakin 4k… im sure a low res eye candy option at 60fps would be welcome by many. My tv does upscaling ridiculously well if the ps5 wont.

Overall is not performing as well as I had hoped.

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Raytracing makes things more realistic BUT people dont play games for the Realism, they play for the Escapism.

Half your framerate for stuff you dont even notice ingame. Not worth.

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I think it looks very nice with ray tracing. I’m sure it’ll get better too.

Interesting observation, ghosts don’t have reflections unless ray traced reflections is enabled.

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I have a high end gpu but I like the looks of the game better with RT off.

I have a 4090, 13900KS, 1440p@165. With DLSS fully disabled (not even DLAA), and frame generation on, I can run the max ray tracing settings and hold 158 FPS with no stuttering. The game is gorgeous.

I have encountered several game crashes since this update, hopefully that doesn’t keep happening.

Absolutely annihilates my performance, although I’m running at 4K/DLAA (4090). Getting some hitching/stuttering even with DLSS on.

Yeah sure 158 FPS… i get like 70-80ish at the TP in Kyovashad for example with my 4090 and 5800X3D.
With DLAA and no FG.
Even with FG on, i sometimes get like 110-120 in towns.

I’d like so see a screenshot with those FPS at that spot :slight_smile:

The raytracing seems to be very cpu-limited though, so that might explain the difference when not GPU limited.

Im playing max pretty much everything and fps are staying around or above 60

I turned on everything to the max RT reflections, shadows and AO on ultra and game def looks better. Haven’t checked how it looks with AO only though.
I disabled RT on particles since it seems to tank the FPS. I like it above 100 which I seem to be able to maintain a 100-140 fps with a 4070 on 1080p ultra settings.

Whoops, turned out I had Frame Generation off.

I’m getting around 90 FPS at the Tree of Whispers with everything maxed out at 4K/DLAA.

EDIT: And the FPS tanks to 60 FPS when I actually run over to the tree…looks like DLSS is required.

DLSS at 4K is usually very good, even performance, so you might not even notice a difference between DLAA and quality DLSS.

FrameGen is your friend in D4 :smiley: