Raxx tier list for S5 is up lets discuss a bit please keep civil and constructive

Tier ranking Worst (5) to Best (1) - TLDR below, I know most people don’t like to read wall of text. If you want details I will link Raxx video below, also thanks Raxx for making your tier list as you do for every season for people to reference with.

Diablo 4 Season 5 Class Tier List (youtube.com)

Worst overall (Druid) - 5
S5 best build - Landslide, Cataclysm, Lightning storm, Compansion
S6 wish and request - Better leveling

(Necromancer) - 4
S5 best build - Minions (pure, NOT shadow), Bone Spirit, Blood Surge, Blood Lance
S6 wish and request - Help builds falling behind

(Rogue) - 3
S5 best build - Barrage, Penetrating shot, Rapid Fire, Flurry
S6 wish and request - More Defense

(Barbarian) - 2
S5 best build - Dust Devils, Flay. Bash, Rend
S6 wish and request - Better Leveling

Best tier for S5 (Sorcerer) - 1
S5 best builds - Chain Lightening, Fireball, Firebolt, Firewall, Blizzard
S6 wish and request - Better single target dps

I personally agree with 90-95% of what is said here from Raxx, I am just not sure if Firewall build is actually any good as he said it will be. For Sorc I reference to Mekuna exclusive as the guy is a Sorc god, on same level as Rob for Barb.

What do you guys think about this list from Raxx at Maxroll.

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It sure is a thing that exists.


As with every tier list I take it with a grain of salt, scratch that, a dump truck load of salt, no wait, an ocean full of salt. I actually like Raxx too, but I put no faith in his Tier lists, or anyone’s for that matter.

I couldn’t come up with a Tier list myself, because I just don’t play every class, nor would I care to. All I know is Necros have a lot more tools coming for them in the patch, which will offer a variety of options for various builds. Whether or not these options will be good or bad has yet to be seen.

I think if anything these tier lists do a bit of discredit and shift the overall feel of the new seasons for people looking for solid information specifically from content creators. I know Raxx specifically says ‘play whatever you want’ but at the same time I feel if he came out with a pros and cons list instead of a tier list, it would benefit his community more in the long run.

If he instead gave a list of what skills/builds were impacted the most, and which ones he thinks will shine more in the season, that would be far more useful then just a random number on a tier list. I understand his logic behind his numbers, as he does explain this, but overall, I feel it’s not as helpful as just explaining the changes themselves.


personally i have zero confidence or respect for raxx, wudi or echohack and the rest of the maxroll group. i find their paragon boards very inefficient. they might be ok for beginners to follow some leveling guide, but they are never even close to being the best


Hi Iggi,

I get what you are saying. My take on tier list, or anyone tier list , for the rationale behind making it I guess, is for general population that wants a quick glimpse of what is good and what is bad super super quickly.


Any class/build that can kill the Tormented Bosses and finish an IH8 run is fine (everything else above is just an excess IMO overall)

Will try out a Sever/Bone Necro (see how it goes :slight_smile: )

I’ve had weird experiences with Maxroll paragon myself, so I share that with you. I have been moving to Moby for most of the paragon guides and build guides now. I used Maxroll occasionally as a quick comparison only.


First someone posted Rob’s list now we have Raxx’s list what will be next Wudi’s list or Rhykker’s list?


LOL, not sure maybe ? someone might post it you never know. But not all D4 partners likes to make tier lists haha

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i tend to only really seek out guides for sorcs myself. and as you said mekuna is the obvious go to for sorc builds. for necro, barb and druid i do my own build.

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Well, i guess, they have to make content

But its way too early to rank tiers of each class , as this is a bit subjective

And based on so many changes to uniques, that will have a big impact on everything

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I tried several FO builds from different sources in S4 , until I used Mekuna FO build is where I found it to be the most powerful variant. And my FO gear for S4 is pretty godly. 3GA Fracture Winterglass, Shako, Starless, and Tal’Rasha.

SO it really just came down to builds and paragon, Mekuna is god tier for Sorc no doubt.

there is a reason why he was number 1 every week in the gauntlet that he bothered trying it.

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Exactly, and I think that’s the problem. If you take it at face value, and don’t really bother with his explanations, you’ll see that you shouldn’t really play Druid or Necro this season. Again just looking at face value, nothing more. Rogue will be decent, and Barb or Sorc will reign supreme.

I’d rather content creators go over, briefly, what each class will gain or lose based on the changes coming. It’s still speculative of course, as we have no idea what the impacts of all the changes will be, but it would give the player base a better understanding of what they may want to play.

We all know the majority don’t read through patch notes, I’m willing to bet the majority of Raxx’s viewers don’t either, or the viewers of any content creator for that matter. So what I propose is they make 5 videos, each highlighting the changes for each class, and let people decide what they want to play based off those changes. If they’re going to give out speculations and assumptions anyway, might as well milk it.

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I think the biggest uncertainty as of now is the general nerf to PVE. As in overall boss nerfs and pit dmg nerfs. No one was able to test that because it was not present in the PTR.

In terms of the gears, most of the new uniques was obviously nerfed from the PTR variant, and from that one can kind of take an educated guess on it’s power level for live version once used in a build. Furthermore, bugs that were discovered skewing dmg in PTR was fixed, and it was in the PTR also.

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These are all copy-and-paste from one streamer to another and, while Raxx isn’t a newb, he’s much more of a leveling player than someone who should concern himself with tier lists - he simply doesn’t push the higher endgame content like the Wudis and Robs of the world.


Well, i understand what they are trying to do :wink:

I mean, its like professional sports, there’s analysts that tries to predict every outcome before any season starts

Sometimes they are right, sometimes they are not, thats just the nature of things

If it feels useful for certain people, so be it

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Here is my list:

S - Druids/Americans
A - All other humans
B - Cow/Pig
C - Fish/Chicken
D - Tofu/Impossible meat

Signed, The Butcher


Dust Devils is not a skill and Blizzard Devs need to stop treating it like one. It’s supposed to be an add-on ability to your skills. Balance the skills.

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It’s no different than ice spike and blizzard for sorc