Rawhide and Iron Drops increased, shouldn't have screwed with it in the first place!

That is all great and dandy but lets address the elephant in the room and that is why Blizzard messed with it in the first place. All of this constant stealth nerfs to items needed for crafting is absolutely garbage and I know for a fact it is upsetting a lot of players. Quite a few in fact have told me they are done because of it all and I honestly don’t blame them. Who on earth wants to play a game where they are constantly trying artificially make things harder then what they should be just so they can show people playing longer. How about just make the game FUN, there is a wonderful concept isn’t it? What Blizzard is and has been doing is not helping their case when it comes to this game and is only succeeding in driving people away. With POE2 right around the corner they sure picked a bad time to mess with players.


The hotfix barely increased anything, rawhide is still scarce.


That sucks to hear :frowning:

We can never believe people have to quit because of these basic materials, but it’s actually happening now, like “oh wow really”? :cry:

People have had enough and there are other options out there.

For the same reason you can brick items, or for the same reason they introdiced vaults in S3, or the same reason they increase recall time in S1

They want to slow you down to increase their metrics

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Yup and that method of thinking is what is making the game no fun.

They also stealth nerfed the purveyor recently. Surprised no one noticed.

Oh yes. I used to get more legendaries, some of them with GAs. I don’t get as much now. Also, I think Blizz got wind of some players getting purples from the purveyor so…


Same. Mostly yellows and blues now again. Get some Lego’s but no ga anymore. Still get a couple uniques but not as many and also no ga.

Rawhide and iron chunks drop rates didn’t need an adjustment

They needed a 100x buff in drop rate at least at gem fragment’s level


I would agree with you on that one.

It only increase the drop rate at boss rota and the boring NMD. Boss rota still the most efficient.

Blizzard should just reduce the cost to 1/3 instead of shifting the solution to some boring content.

Why I have to do boss rota on a SB class which only use one Mythic chest, already owned 33 mythics with few spare sparks. Still have to do rota 2 hours per day to get the rawhide to masterwork the only mythic I am using?

Blue gears give 6 (I think) rawhide but 750 legendaries give 1, I don’t get the logic…

They need to realize 100% increase on 1 makes it 2, but again, the number is off by digits.

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Whispers now seem to drop 200 instead of 100.

Chaos whispers drop 800.

Greater whispers drop 1000.

IH with a green Opal now drops 800 instead of 200.

Realm walker goblins, plus material realm, gives about 600 with a green Opal.

I don’t know, I was one of the most vocal critics of the drop rate previously and it’s greatly improved.

I played for a couple hours and got close to 10,000 mats. It’s not bad actually. I’m content at this point. I just didn’t want to have to farm tormented bosses for hours on end as the only way to get them.


I believe some kind of checklist is needed no matter what the season brings.
The amount of stealth/changes done especially since the PTR which are a detriment to previous seasons necessitates some kind of checklist where Blizz can check off the items on the list to make sure they have covered all the bases - the results speak for themselves where a lot of things have been missed and with the manpower they have should have brought things together more than they have been.
Simple things such as :-
The Conduit pylons not dealing enough damage due to the restructure of the torment levels - why was this not tested?
The mounts shoving players off (again related to the torment level restructure)


And driving us away - no way I’m making alts this season as I can’t max out my first character - what’s the point!


lol now that you mention it I have noticed more blues/yellows

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I’m tired of being forced to do things in game that I don’t want to do, but HAVE to do (farming NM dungeons for rawhide for instance) because of the materials nerf. Farming 2 hours so I can upgrade one item, a few levels at the blacksmith, when I have 3 hours to actually play the game is insane.

I can’t even use potions to increase the drop rate because i’m getting disconnected 1 out of 3 TP’s. You know how many potions I go through when I have to renew them every 5 minutes? I don’t even bother using potions in the pit or hordes anymore because as soon as i’m done and TP out, I can be sure 30+% of the time, i’m punted and lose the potion effect.


You are definitely not the only one feeling this way.

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