Rawhide and iron chunks not fix

it’s the amount that you need and relative time overall.

say it takes 80k rawhide to finish the build. and you get 1.7k an hour. your spending 47 hours on farming rawhide alone. and that’s assuming you do 10-11 12/12’s and all of their rerolls within the materials requried of 8 12/12 attempts. when realistically it’s noticeably higher.

add in the gold farming for the rerolls themselves on top? well . . . that’s prett considerable. . . so lets go over how long someone would have in say 2 months to build a character, if they played for the full 2 months.

60 days * 2 hours a day = 120 hours.

47 hours - raw hide and iron chunks. you’ll also get gold in that timeframe and probably several GA’s. likely one or two for your build.

150m per slot for rerolling costs - 1.5T gold. . if we asume a good 700m was obtained from when farming raw hide. we still have 800 to make up for. at 15m per 10m or so within the infernal horde. your looking at about another 9 hours. we’re up to about 57, so about a months time. and that’s only the masterworking alone, not even the other aspects.

if we have 3 primary slots that will take rerolls for stats. passive on amulet, and skill ranks to chest and gloves (sometimes legs too). and then the leveling up of paragon glyphs. those all cost raw hide and gold as well (iron chunks on amulets case). a rerolling of a piece for a passive can take 50 attempts on the very low end. most instances it’s many times that. how long would it take to farm the resources for those? at present material drop rates? and is that reasonable amount of time in your estimation? . . Streamers will finish this in a week or two because they have the time, resources, and often other similar minded individuals to play and ramp the speed up in some cases. but for someone who can’t spend their lives on a game any longer? is this time reasonable? and to be gated mostly by one of the most basic resources at that.

this isn’t even counting if you play more than 1 build