Rawhide and Iron Chunk are too expensive for endgame master working

This has to be a goof post right?

Many that run out of these materials tend to take short cuts on their gear (i.e using 3rd party websites to buy 3GA items using gold). Obviously the aim here is to get the best possible gear in the least possible time hence the want to farm low level content is seen to be beneath them. Most normal players would seldom find that these materials are the bottlenecks. More often then not Gold is. But we all know how these “end game” players obtain gold.

Thing is majority of “low level” materials require you to run “low level” content. People that are at the end game of pits simply run out of

  • Iron Chunks
  • Veiled Crystals
  • Angelbreath

From my experience - if I am focused on enchanting Angelbreaths is the bottleneck. If I am focused on masterworking Iron Chunks is the bottleneck. This forces me to run other content which honestly is a breath of fresh air than simply farming Pits. Short of Angelbreaths - do Helltides. Short of Iron Chunks - do Ubers to salvage full set of trash legendaries.