Rares vs legendary vs unique balance

From what I have seen in the PTR, rares are going to be the “new blues” and become placeholders or salvage at best. Uniques are ok, and Legendaries are just too good because they can be tempered with.
I think that legendary drops should only hold 1 tempered afix, while rares should hold 2, to compensate for the base afix diference, or have no limit to temper attempts.

I’m curious why you want Rare items to be useful to begin with. If we get rid of white and blue items as we level up, what is the problem with getting rid of rares for legendaries eventually? What purpose would it serve? More loot to look over in your bags? This is what they’re trying to get rid of, the need to look over 30+ pieces of loot every time you run a dungeon.

I don’t understand the obsession people have with wanting rares to be viable, they’re just an item in the game that becomes obsolete later on. It’s really not that big of a deal. If it helps, ignore any Aspect that drops on a legendary and pretend its a super rare with 1 more affix on it, most of the time you’ll probably replace the Aspect anyway.


Well, since b4 the launch they said they didnt want a BiS item to be an obvious choice. I have been playing since Diablo 1, and blues could be a Bis.
Whites are cringe though.

Let’s fully explore what this could mean.

  1. No one item will be the be all end all of items.
  • It isn’t, even with the new itemization patch no one item will be entirely BiS (with the exception of an Uber Unique obviously), it may help you with your build, and define your build depending on the item, but we can all agree even Uniques don’t come with all the stats you would want for a particular build.
  1. Natural progression of items will make the player want the the ones with more options or more power for their build.
  • This is how it currently works, White > Blue > Rare/Legendary/Unique > Uber Unique. With the changes it’ll just change to White > Blue > Rare > Legendary/Unique > Uber Unique. Blues have more options then whites, rare have more options then blue, and now Legendary will have more options then rares and technically uniques. It’s a progression of items.

You’ve been playing since D1, so you know that in D2 Blue items could be used in very few builds that couldn’t find a better option for that particular item. It wasn’t that they were BiS because they were amazing, they were BiS by default.

Which is horrible, and that shows a lack of, not only foresight from the developers of the time, but also their unwillingness to change it well after it was established. They just didn’t care, because they figured no one would use these items beyond a reasonable level.

Itemization wasn’t as grand as people make it out be in D2. White items were only made useful due to runewords, but runewords pigeonholed the majority of builds. Blue items were 99% useless except for that one build that literally couldn’t find a better option. Rares had their uses, but you weren’t fully decked out in rares come the late game, at most you had 2 or 3 equipped depending on the build. Uniques were highly sought after much like runewords as they would make your build even more powerful.

So now you have a character with maybe 1 blue, 2 rares, and the rest of their items are runewords and uniques. That’s not much of a choice. You know those Uniques and Runeworded items are far better then any rare you could obtain for a particular slot. Which was fine for the time, we’ve moved on since then.

We’re still pigeonholed into what Aspects we want on items, and build defining uniques, but at least we have the option of making our own BiS gear now. The fact a rare is useless come late game has no relevance to the game at large, again it’s the natural progression of items. Consider it another white item you toss away after getting to a higher level.

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I would say that legendaries are potentially better than Uber uniques now because of how powerfull some tempers are.
You have a lot of good points though.


I agree with this. Some of the tempered affixes are just too good to pass up depending on the unique. Especially when you can’t alter uniques in anyway but Mastercrafting. I think something needs to be done for uniques, maybe add 1 tempered affix option for them? I’m not sure exactly, but they do need to change.

I want them to be more useful by dropping or salvage converting to more vield crytals lol.


If they keep costs the way they are, I agree with you.

I’m working on my next essay of PTR feedback, but in it I do suggest either removing veiled crystals from certain item changing options (Masterworking I feel doesn’t need to have them at all), and/or lowering the costs. 75 Veiled Crystals to enchant/reroll an Ancestral item is just way too much. Not to mention to Temper all of our gear with just 2 affixes would cost upwards of 400+ veiled crystals, which doesn’t account for rerolls either. It’s insane.

I hope they make some changes regarding Veiled Crystals though.

Well…i’m more worried they dont read the data correctly where they look at all the enchants and master crafting and go must not be a problem if people can re-roll that much without connecting the anecdotal experience of all the mats coming from alts and not farming.

I’m still skeptical of course, but at least they’re looking at the data and feedback.

Yeah…so hope they don’t misinterpret the data!

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