Rares Are Useless Now - Bad Decision

The changes they did has made sifting through an inventory easier. To me its clear they just don’t have a solution how to make rares useful yet and that is fine given the time constraints they had to solve a problem.

Basically less affixes and simpler affixes (ie no “damage on tuesday” affixes) = easier and faster to determine what to salvage.

Is having 3 affixes the max for readability and easier inventory management now? Maybe? Maybe not.

For example a quick look back to D2 where rares had something like 6 affixes but it was easy to go through because if it didn’t automatically have +2 skills on an amulet or dual leech on a ring it was basically trash. If it did have those then you would look for the next important stats like + to HP/mana, resistances. So in essence you would still only look for 2-3 main affixes on rares in D2 to easily determine if its good or not.

On the other hand, look at rune words in D2. Despite them having 10+ affixes it wasn’t an issue in the same way sifting through an inventory of D4 rares was. Why? Because they weren’t randomly generated affixes. You only needed to know the name of the runeword and know if it was good for a build or not because they had the same affixes every time which means you could automatically know that making an Enigma or HOTA was good. Sure, you could analyze the affixes further but in general you knew what a runeword was good for so you only needed to know the name.