RAPID FIRE still broken 24 hours later

Still broken , I wonder what would happen if it was a bash nerf which really was needed.

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Why did you uninstall it if it’s so good?

Asking for a friend.


last epok will get soon harbringers patch aka some pinneapple bosses

right now season is ded

I immediately thought of a big Spongebob boss. Scary!

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a creature living under the sea :open_mouth:

thats a nice idea for boss

Enjoy Last Epoch. Have fun.

I totally agree. I was grinding 60 pits and even that low level is painful now. Unreal they haven’t hotfixed yet.

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Need to update subject title
48 hours and still looking into it ,
Sigh , this is beyond frustrating

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They have a new league coming soon, pretty excited for it. Was playing D4 myself until it came out. This whole rapid fire thing is insane i feel you.

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Welcome to the club, us Boulder Druids welcome you to stay and hang out!

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yoyoyo have you tested out ?

please inform me cause i only have druid on eternal

i wanna make second alt boulder dolmen

Funny how when they broke Ancestral Charge it took months to release the fix even though they already had it, but when Rogue is broken it gets a hotfix two days later.

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Still broken. The fix they put out was for disappearing boulders. The bug since S3 where hurricane doesn’t keep them spinning is still present. It’s a broken build. I wouldn’t bother in its current iteration.

They said the hotfix will be rolled out over the course of the next few hours. You may not have received the patch yet.

Thanks god, HF incoming :slight_smile: !!! Thanks guys and devs for this.

Is this a client side or will be automatically implemented through server?


Yeah, but you got pop-up icons for loot though :wink:

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I think I was too fast… Unfortunately AoE seems to be in a bad situation now, at I can kill bosses, I guess :frowning:

At least Last Epoch was fully enjoyable for the first couple hundred hours. Diablo 4 stopped being fun before I hit level 60. The only thing that kept me going was my own stupidity.

Ah yes. It’s not for everyone. I’ve put 1,000+ hours into D4 by now, played all the seasons, betas, pre-seasons and still loving it. It goes to show that not all games are perfectly suited for everyone. Hopefully you can find a game you do enjoy more than D4.