RAPID FIRE still broken 24 hours later

Just going to reinstall Last Epoch since this apparently isn’t worth a hot fix…entire build is unplayable lmao


Seems to be a non issue for anybody that does not play. Rapid Fire rogue.
Go figure


rapid fire unique ring works like me drunked pissing in a toilet


Has it ever worked with the rapid fire legendary aspects? Will it ever?

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Read about this today at work. Though people were exaggerating how bad it was. After playing tonight, nope, this is insane.

Managed to get a couple levels, but nothing solo lol.


Sadly, you might get an update in a month.

OMG! Bro! I couldn’t stop laughing for 5 minutes :joy: :joy: :joy:

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might be they intentionally did it like this? to be a indirect-nerf of the build?

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I’d get it if they just spread out the area that the arrows landed. But i’m having it just fire completely over my targets head and others just land in completely random places.

The build isnt unplayable its just gone down to like NMD 60 tops , not even pit worthy until they fix it tbh. But standard blizz radio silence .refusing to give us updates

They need to fix Rain of Arrows too. My dps on Rapid fire 20k, dps on RoW 100k, but by the time RoW recharges I already can deal much more damage than 100k. No Witnessess key mode should take into consideration affixes with “RoW damage” or be tripled to 30% bonus of special damage, otherwise it’s too underwhelming and useless atm.

Yeah, it backfired a lot. I can’t see why they didn’t rolled back the changes, I can imagine that as it was before, biggest impacts were people with Ultra Wide screen and maybe some unknow exploit, however now everybody playing RF is affected.

The funny part is that the build was not even the greatest pit pusher, while HS and Bash that are likely to be indeed bugged were not changed due to the nerf policy, so I just don’t get it.

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While you’re at it ask them why the horse is again slow, maybe even slower, when every single player hates that.

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I can still do 80’s but I have a lot of health as it requires standing in enemy faces, so it sort of defeats the purpose of having a bow.

Welcome to Aspect of Ancestral Charge being broken for like over two months.

And they even had the fix ready to go all that time. They just refused to release it.

I kept trying to say something about it and got hate for it.

Now it’s a Rogue skill and everyone will be in a huge huff.

I switched to Heartseeker myself.

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I understand the bias of bigoty a tiny bit better now. I don’t know anyone on the dev team and yet I still hate them. Thanks, learning.


yeah im moving on at this point. the fact RF still is this way makes me feel really bad for peeps like Lucky who actually make content for this game, and now have a bricked main char b/c of a dev mistake. Feelsbadman.


yea, they nerfed the rogue because we were able to shoot SLIGHTLY further then we were supposed to, like give me a break dude.

there’s actual and literal one shot mechanics in the game.

i bet if they undo the nerf all problems will be solved. but they wont.

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they dont share the actual player viewpoints and instead “have a vision”

will that vision didn’t work out the first 3 seasons did it? and here we are.