Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

So we’re at least two and a half weeks away from a fix. Very difficult to believe an equivalent issue with necro minions, or fractured winterglass, would have been left broken this long

Are we sure he isn’t referring to ias rather than RF? :thinking:
By now, we can expect anything but the requested change

just watch how they are going to fk it up for THE THIRD TIME well nah if that happens im deleting the game crying for a bug fix that just makes A WHOLE BUILD pointless is insane

Blizz, this is embarrassing. Can you fix the damn ring? Make it a straigh line (yes, like the default RF) with a bigger aoe instead of the current lobbing crap and it will be 1000% more enjoyable already.


I uninstalled, saw a patch and came back to check if I’m hallucinating BUT NO, YOU REALLY CHANGED SCOUNDREL’S ATTACK SPEED WITHOUT ADDRESSING ITS BUG.


Fortunately Destiny 2 and Elden Ring dlcs are real

Hope Poe2 will devastate your market shares


Seconding this - lots of people seem to think the same.

It will like always lol

Oh man I loaded up my char on my GFs PS5 last night, it’s not just bad on console it’s literally unplayable.

I have an elite charging at me so I aim at it and hit square, and RF shoots in a completely different direction than I’m holding, at an enemy off screen I can’t even see.

The fact they’ve let it be this way for 2 weeks now is absolute insanity.

Guess I’ll uninstall and play something else lol nice work Blizz.


I’m a typical casual player, I have little time for the game and I don’t have the desire, much less the time, to change build what Bizzard himself ruined, there’s an anniversary event, and I have to play a handicapped character or give up the game.

How can we respect Diablo devs, when you don’t respect us?


Hopefully the upcoming FIX will be worth the LONG LONNG wait :innocent:

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The number of players is decreasing day by day and I’m happy with it.
The number of forum posts is also decreasing and it seems that no one is interested in this game anymore.
It’s been a pleasure for me to watch the game of Diablo 4 dwindle because of the incompetence of Blizzard’s employees.
Why can’t they do the job of “fixing” the game?
The answer is simple. They are just too incompetent to know what to fix! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’m done for now. Spent all my gold, resources, materials and time improving my RF build. What a waste… GL for the people still enjoying the game.


omg this is becoming hylarious…Guys really this stuff is ridiculous… I’m ashamed for giving them money. These guys are playing us, and honestly it’s our fault for playing them the game. They should be boycotted for how they treat customers.

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Patch 1.4.2 is out: where is the promised fix to RF? Can we kindly get an official response from the team if this is the intended working mode of the “new” RF so at least we avoid wasting further time proposing changes that are not taken into consideration? Thx


So looks like devs do not think it is an issue, and it’s intended to work this way. Or they do not think that it is something they can fix now and is tabled for the midseason patch. Either way the RF Rogue is fubar’d for the casual player. It’s workable but it takes a lot of manouevering and backpedaling to stay out of melee range before engaging. When the density is good and the monsters don’t CC you, it’s playable. But in the Gauntlet, no way. The mobs crowd so bad, it’s hard to kill effectively.

The only thing that I find wrong is that the devs have not responded or acknowledged this issue. That sucks. Rogues are not even in their eyes.


Another patch and still a bugged ring, Plenty of opportunity to fix it hear and you guys focus on giving a brand new code via a pet rather then fixing what you have . Asleep at the wheel much

Is there any new good news today after 7 days :innocent:?

You know… Today, I bought the D4-Voh immediately after the game’s release, just like I bought the D2, D3, D3-Ros, D2r in the first time (I even bought the PS version of the D3 :face_holding_back_tears:), although I don’t like the style of Blizzard in recent years, but I enjoy DIABLO and hope that you will give players positive feedback in a timely manner :astonished:.

“We listened to your feedback. We hear you, and understand that you think this is a problem. While we did initially say we were implementing some changes, we thought it would be funnier to just change some erroneous thing totally unrelated to what the complaint was about, then ignore you. We are still learning, and expect you to hold us accountable, but since we are now owned by Microsoft, we are now trying a new strategy of doing things no one asked us to do, and ignoring our user base.”


Apparently not there still ghosting on this,
They can introduce new code with pets but fixing whats there , that THEY broke apparently is much harder