Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

This is a tragicomedia, maybe they will fix it in the next expansion

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The issue people have is that the skill worked fine before they patched it in a CLEARLY bugged manner that could have been spotted by a blind monkey. No, they don’t have to work through the weekend. But I didn’t play all weekend or much at all since the patch happened and I was consistently playing during any free time I had since S4 launched. If I even log in I just go “oh yeah…” and log back out.


Get rid of the lob effect that’s causing all the problems, and just make regular rapid fire explosive (you already have the skill effect from shadow imbuement, just add that to base RF)


Hey now, likely they’re fixing it but they got the effing birthday bash coming and only so many dev cycles to work with. It was ultimately poor playtesting and QA to let this through to the public but it is what it is. My biggest issue is the lack of communication or response. I mean if it was one the meta builds, the devs would be keen with a response (“no nerfs for the minion necro or bash barb OP-ness this season we promise”), but they went ahead and nerfed a popular rogue skill without fanfare. How is that being transparent and open?


Peeps were enjoying playing rogue for once , with the addition of the new ring and a different way to play , all was good , codex good , loot good , and somebody decided to nerf a new ring and skill introduced in S4. Not even a good reason or communication was given, just BAM! , here take this you peeps.

This one action broke the whole build , mid - season.

Just imagine if this was done to bash or necro’s If would have been fixed in 24 hours.

Why the lack of communication on this ? What message are you sending ? so many things wrong with this scenario.


Team has been looking into post hotfix Rapid Fire with Scoundrel’s Kiss.

We have some additional changes - Once we have updates on when these come in or land, we will let players know.


First of all, thank you very much for the response. I hope we dont have to wait long for the changes to come. People who play this Build already feelt like sitting on a waiting bench. Make the Skill like it worked before 1.4.1 and everything is fine. <3


Entire game has been on the waiting bench for me. I was going hard too, lost all steam and idk if I’ll even be able to jump back in after they fix it eventually. I was grinding and it’s been a few days since I stopped. Everyone is probably pushing way further than I will be able to. My friends probably out class me in every way now. Will not be much fun at this point…


Just eliminate scoundrels kiss for the time being with a decent legendary and the build still works just fine…

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Thx, let’s hope that “the hotfix of the patch hotfix” will get the skill back to working as before…

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will you look into arrows disapearing into walls of rock waller elites ? interaction with frost wall seems a bit weird too


Hello, when will the ring finally be fixed?

Also there are more issues with scoundrels kiss + rapid fire:

  1. Repeating Aspect does not work correctly with scoundrels. The arrows shoot randomly in all directions and they do not ricochet into enemies, even if they do it looks more like a random hit.

  2. Meele range enemies can not be hit with scoundrels equipped, because the skill has some sort of autoaim on enemies that makes it shoot over the head or behind the enemies.

  3. The damage is inconsistent because the Scoundrels+RF skill does not always proc precision when at full stack. This causes the damage burst on staggered bosses sometimes to be very bad compared to other builds and classes.

  4. AOE is worse since your hotfix and clearing packs can be very difficult and you die because of being surrounded.

  5. There is a problem with brick walls where the projectiles simple disappear and do not do any damage.

To be honest compared to other overpowered classes and builds like bash barb or spear necro or the lately buffed sorc build, we as rogues players do feel kind of arsed.



the damage is consistence, you need to have 100% double dip in rapid fire and also use the skills in correct sequence. i am doing 101 pit at around 5mins consistently

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I agree with all points except 3. I haven’t experienced precision proc issue. Your basic attack has to crit at least once in 3 attacks to get full precision stacks. It only doesnt do full dmg if my 3 basic attacks dont crit. Main problem is AoE being terrible and autoaiming for me.


Just change it back to what it was pre patch and pre hot fix.

We have only been asking for this since the day you guys did the patch. There are numerous post about this.

You patched and messed it up. You hot fixed it and made it worse.

Just revert back to pre patch. Problem solved.

And how about letting the customers know that you are aware of it and attempting to fix it. Instead you allow us to continue making post about the problems day after day and keeping thousands of players in the dark. Why did I have to go to a PC bug report thread to even find one comment from the devs. Where is the sticky in the rogue thread?

Millions of gold, hundreds if not thousands of veiled crystals, switching points around, bricked plenty of equipment and gear just to switch over to heartseeker and let’s not forget the amount of time not only that we had invested in this, but the time lost due to the devs incompetence. And heartseeker build is garbage. You have plenty of other classes and builds to “fix” and you guys mess up the only one working correctly.

REVERT back to pre patch. No one asked for this “fix”. If I messed up like this at work I’d be fired on the spot or someone would lose life or limbs.


yeah, the aiming feels off rt now even its railgun because the skill always want to focus at the target near ur mouse pointer(when theres target near ur mousepointer it turns into a sword icon), while lobs over the head and shoot behind the target. it will feel better if they dun aim at the target but aim at the mouse pointer. I aint playing on console so cant tell wht happens if theres no auto aim thou
below is a video showing it always shoot behind the dummy at same position right behind the dummy while the pointer touch the hitbox of the dummy, while i can aim elsewhere even on my body if theres no hitbox for other target. Sometimes my arrrow flys off screen due to the target near my pointer tp out of the screen and my arrow still chasing that target. I believe arrows hitting wall/ off cliffs are cause by the same issue.
(change the xttp into http)

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the hotfix bring new bug!!!

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hopefully we have one spec that can do 130+ without spamming basic skill :slight_smile:


u forgot the scoundrel kiss bug vs elites slow walls, instead of slowing ur projectiles the projectiles are destroyed into the wall rofl.