Rapid fire not working AGAIN

I’m actually thinking about leaving - again. I thought I was done with Blizzard. I stopped playing any of their games (mostly Diablo) years ago. I’ve returned a week(!) ago just to finally try D4 and I’m already in position, where I’m forced to write on forums about an update, which has broken my build and I’ve also started having login issues. Unbelievable, really. If I leave again, it will definitely be for good this time.

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I think the question you should be asking is "how can they break a single skill more with each successive “fix”?

At this point it is no longer spaghetti code, it’s pork chops & linguini code. Something definitely ain’t kosher here.


Maybe it’s a combination of spaghetti code + really bad coder assigned to this issue and QA doing literally nothing. What I find the most intriguing is how these bugs get into the final build. If this was some kind of indie developer I probably wouldn’t mind, but this is one of the biggest game developers in the world. Their development and QA pipelines must be really broken.


I’d wager more that it’s their versioning system that’s broken, or nonexistent (i.e. when submitting they basically click the “take mine!” option and call it a day and boom, regressions magically reappear). It’s happened every single season so far, so it isn’t like it’s not a pattern at this point.

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You know… you have to give them a break!

They put most of their resources to fixing a seasonal potion.

And even that was a fail.



I’ll have to test this out as I have Aspect of Repeating. Also my energy now drains instantly (rapid fire cold build) like I fire three or four arrows and my energy is gone where prior to the last patch I never really worried about losing energy on my build (it regained energy fast). Anyone else having this problem?

Is the ability on your Combat Glyph active and if so what is your crit rate? Do you have 3 points in Innervation? If so what is your luck hit chance?

Can confirm the aspect is broken, everything else works fine.

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Also my energy now drains instantly (rapid fire cold build) like I fire three or four arrows and my energy is gone where prior to the last patch I never really worried about losing energy on my build (it regained energy fast).

I do have the same problem, Cold imbue rapid fire too. It just feels too slow, jamming and being out of energy pretty fast…

Btw, now the kiss rings works with aspect of repeating.

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They haven’t rolled out the mid-season patch yet…

not before another buff to barbs first!!


With Scoundrel’s Kiss, it works so much better now. THE AOE buff is a blessing, especially to console players.

This is likely due to the fact rapid fire isn’t able to function properly due to the riccochet proc causing it to stop entirely, preventing lucky hit chance from triggering and thus you lose energy on casts rather than reclaiming energy on hits since those hits aren’t occurring.

Yes, they did. That’s what 1.4.3 was.

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OK, so I swapped out the Glyph as TheTias reasoning for my issue made sense. Definitely back to having a lot more energy although I do miss the rapid fire glyph.

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Expectations are too high from devs that have no passion for the work they do. This is what a passionless project looks like. Expect more bugs/skills to not even function correctly from this team.

or maybe there are too many fires and not enough fire fighters

someone plz post this in the bugs forum - thanks

It’s possible they went to gaming college because they thought it would be awesome, only to find out the brutality of tight budgets and unfair deadlines is like running nightmare mode with nerfed gear.

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Arhghhhhh! (shouts for more life and defense)