Rapid fire not working AGAIN

Just a small correction rapid fire is broken for near a month now, it is not just sad but kind of unbelievable how this was let in these multiple failures state for so long. That without saying that the ring was added this season to be the major change for the class… Like a all month… All the issues the skill had were really easy to reproduce…

I said in another thread, but I am just afraid they break the ring attempting to fix common rf (because now it is finally feeling good to play with it).

Also there is a typo (I think) in the Aspect of Repeating in Codex it appears Aspect Repeating. If it is supposed to be like that ok, if not and needs a fix, if the fix breaks scoundrels and this aspect interaction again, just let it stay that way…

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OMG I can’t believe this. It was working OK yesterday. Today I’ve updated D4 and guess what, RF is completely broken. If you shoot without enemies around, it works OK. But if you’re targeting an enemy, it shoots only a few arrows and some arrows don’t even hit the enemy they just… “disappear”. C’mon Blizzard how the heck is this even possible?

EDIT: LOL I tried it again and now I got the “Unable to find license” error, so I can’t even start D4. Well done Blizzard! Great service. I’ve returned to Diablo games after a few years and if this is the experience I’m supposed to get, then thanks, but no. Just no.


Rogue is now disabled while we look into buffing Barb. :joy:


I just tried playing my regular Rapid Fire build and it is unplayable… like mentioned, it only hits once… completely broken… i hope they can fix it soon… what a shame… and holy bolts is disabled on top of that lol…


that is the exact build i have and the exact issue… fires only once… completely unplayable at the moment…


You know, I took a year long break from the game when they shipped it with broken resistances and a half baked joke of an itemization system. I came back because it was all supposed to be “fixed”, and then they break my character halfway through the season.

What a clown company. This is a joke.


Aspect of Repeating is what is breaking Rapid Fire. If you remove Aspect of Repeating or play Aspect of Repeating with Scoundrel’s Kiss, it will work fine.


Glad to hear its not just me with this issue…

I was playing last night without issue…then I hopped on today during my lunch break at work…and my Rogue acts like his bow or xbow is jammed when I activate rapid fire. When I have no combo points, not even 5 arrows that hit a target. When I get 3 combo points, sometimes all 8 arrows hit, but most of the time its like the bow is jammed, and the arrows go no where, yet there is a rapid fire animation. Even the rapid fire sound seems off when it behaves like this.

When I use ice imbue, same problem. I am not using Scoundrels Kiss, don’t even own one. I mention that because some say if you use that, then its okay, but I would not know unfortunatley.

I personally have had zero issues with rapid fire, until today. Apparently its been having issues for a while, and I heard about the problem, but was never experienced first hand…until today. It is so bad. Completely ruins everything…its my CORE skill for pete’s sake!

What did you do Blizzard?!?!?!?!

Aspect of Repeating is the one where there is a % chance for Rapid Fire to ricochet? If so, I do have that on my gear right now. I will have to remove and test. Should not have to remove a good aspect for this to work though :frowning:

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Guys, @bluebomber24 is right! The issue is caused by the Aspect of Repeating. The latest update has broken it completely. It looks like the arrows from RF stop to register/deal damage every time the AoR should proc (ricochet) an arrow. So instead of having another arrow it just breaks the whole salvo.

Blizzard, now you know the issue you’ve caused, so for love of God PLEASE FIX IT ASAP.


Yup. Its Repeating. Repeating did not work with Scoundrel’s Kiss this season even though it was supposed to. As of today, Aspect of Repeating works with Scoundrel’s Kiss. Most likely when they were trying to fix this issue, the devs accidentally broke Repeating when Scoundrel’s Kiss is not equipped in the process.

The new ring is just a problem child for the devs unfortunately. Hopefully, a hotfix will come out soon.


Devs: Who uses rapid fire without SK anyways? :clown_face:. Joking aside I feel for you Rogue bros that main RF, it’s a dang joke and hopefully it gets sorted out soon.

Lets be honest, when it comes to uniques we’ve seen a problem with something every season. Seems like they are truly unique in that they were designed separately and then inserted into the overall game systems. Why isn’t there a check to make sure uniques still work every time there is a change affecting one? There are so few…

100% it’s Aspect of Repeating, as soon as I took it off it’s smooth as butter

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Its linked to the (aspect of repeating) removing what ever item that has this aspect equipped allows me to use the skill normally but I’m sure like me, that aspect is the core of 90% of our builds


The forges are burning hot!

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Someone plz post this in the bug forum, we already did all the troubleshooting…

I tried the ring vs normal RF and boy RF feels weak!!!

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Hahaha guys best troubleshooting is to give up and come back in couple years. I find pretty impressive how this company makes his products every day worse and worse. Why do this to yourselves?

Im at L52 for my rogue, what could you recommend to me so that I may have good DPS and survivability? Im looking to make the most out of this build, raining arrows and caltrops can only take me so far, some of these mobs can get intense!

Leave, is not worth it, reroll to hearthseeker if you ever consider wasting your time. Or find a trully enjoyable activity to spend your time on, regardless of what ypu do or try, you’ll end up dissapointed.