Rant and frustration from a very casual sorcerer player

This is a long rant from a very casual player (maybe 10-12 hours a week) who only plays sorcerer (D2, D3, now D4) 99% of the time. I have no interest in the other classes and I shouldn’t be forced into being interested in them just to play.

I’m not looking for hate comments here.

This is my perspective as to why D4 is so bad and will never be what we all want it to be based on observations of how the D4 launch went and how things went after each patch.

The main reason why D4 is so broken is because Blizzard keeps making the mistake of listening to only popular streamers for feedback. This fact was seen and can be proven when D4 was first launched, many well known streamers played 12 hours+ straight just so they could reach level 100 first and start getting the best gear while everyone else was still in the 30-60 level range.

What happened? They started making videos crying how all the endgame content was to easy or heavens forbid to hard. Since Blizzard didn’t want these streamers to scare off possible new players or current ones, they were forced to start changing things almost immediately and in a rush to do so, managed to break even more of game.

Have none of these people ever played games or even D2 for that matter. In D2, MOST of the classes were SEMI balanced and guess what? Once you had the best gear, you were OP and soloing Baal with ease and no one cried as loud as these streamers are.

That is how games work. Get the best stuff, your going to be overpowered and everything is going to be to easy. Get over it. Stop expecting a game company to completely change things around or keep adding pointless crap just so you can feel challenged.

You decided to rush through all the content in a matter of hours, having the best gear within days and the most powerful build possible thanks to using online resources instead of just playing and figuring things out on your own as you went. Possibly causing mistakes leading to starting over before even getting to the end.

Who the hell cares about the 1% (streamers) when the other 99% percent of players can’t even reach half the content in the game unless your a barb, rogue, necro and using the same setup as everyone else. That is more boring then one hitting the world boss which oh look, is a huge issue for streamers right now. Something must be done.

Want a challenge? Fight a uber boss as a CL sorcerer. Now you have a stupid challenge that you most likely will never beat forcing you to keep trying over and over and blizzard didn’t have to do a thing. I’m sure once you streamed your frustration over this, things would change quickly for the Sorcerer class.

Blizzard continues to try making players happy with big stupid numbers that become pointless. The world boss could have as little as 100HP, Your weapon does only 2hp dmg per hit and it be fine but NO, lets add unnecessary mechanics (when stunned, chilled, frozen, or whatever). Well the only way to balance it all out is add bigger numbers to everything and while we are at it, lets add in multipliers for no reason other then to make things more complicated to the point that I don’t think even the devs know what the hell is going on.

I stopped playing before season 1 even started and never even reached level 100 because of the insane experience issues that plagued everyone that wasn’t playing 10 hours every day.

I just started playing again about two weeks ago and already I feel all I’m doing is the same low level crap over and over just to TRY getting better gear so I can maybe do the harder endgame content and here is blizzard adding even more stuff in season 5 that I and many others will most likely never see. Lets not forget, because the Sorcerer class isn’t completely in the ground yet, lets do more NERFS NERFS NERFS.

It has become very obvious to all that the Sorcerer class is probably the most broken class going back to D3 and honestly the Sorcerer should be the most OP class at all times. Think about, we are fighting demons with demonic (magic) power and yet the class that is supposed to be the master of magic does the least amount of damage and has the most survival issues.

What does Blizzard do? NERF NERF NERF. Why?

Because most of the popular D4 streamers don’t play that class because there is no big numbers, so in Blizzard’s world, it’s ok if the class remains broken and at this point is a pointless class to even have in the game, not to mention that all the gear looks like it was meant for only female characters.

What is worse and if you look at dates of some video postings at the times Sorcerer was on top even in D3, poplar streamers will bring up the fact that OMG the sorcerer is doing way more damage then my barb… Blizzard’s next patch… NERF NERF NERF.

Whats worse is for players such as myself who only play a few hours a week, that work through the pain of leveling as say a chain lighting spec, only to find out you have to completely change spec, requiring different gear (cuz of stats) with different skills that up to this point you haven’t played with just so you can do higher nightmares or perhaps reach Pit 70 which is laughable compared to barb, rouge, nerco.

Now your stuck wasting time finding gear, learning new spells and all the while still can’t go above a certain nightmare or pit level because all your skills do no damage compared to the others classes.

Blizzard “We are listening to feedback” NERF NERF NERF. OMG Sorcerer has unlimited flame shield and never dies… NERF NERF NERF. Barb HP 300K+… buff buff buff…

I can’t even solo echo of hatred and part of that comes from my gear now being all messed up from trying to switch to a build that works better then CL, even tho there really is no Sorcerer build that actually works well compared to other classes and even if there is / was. It’s still a broken class since you have to use one specific build.

Every class should be doing the same amount of damage no matter the build. A fire build should be just as good as ice or lightening which is as good as whirlwind and bash but every stupid season Blizzard goes out of their way to make sure that everyone is using the same build and class. That isn’t character customization on any level which then makes the paragon boards POINTLESS, because again your forced to play the same stupid thing everyone else is.

Wasn’t high character customization’s one of the D4’s selling points?

Also, what the frack is the point of the freaking tattoos that no one can see unless you run around naked! Stupid feature that Blizzard wasted how much time and money on instead of I don’t know… A freaking group finder!

Is it really to much to ask for a Diablo game where I work through the pains of leveling and managed to get semi decent gear so that when I come home from a bad day of work, I can load up ANY Diablo content and simply blow everything up with in just a few hits (excluding say bosses and uber bosses) with awesome looking chain lightening flying all over the place?

Even better, bring back the D3 laser beam. It was so much fun to be able to stand still, shoot lasers out of my hands and just spin and melt everything with my mighty power and even then in D3, Blizzard did everything they could to make sure no one used that skill.

Another major issue is the whole aspect of RNG and changing stats, imprinting. If we choose to reroll a stat, just let us pick the exact stat we want with it always being the max number allowed for that stat.

Adding a increasing cost or only allowing so many tries is STUPID on something that always has a random result, and it wastes so much time trying to get gear stats just right for how your playing and spec, that as someone who only plays maybe 10 or even say 20 hours a week makes playing the game pointless because once again, I can’t just come home from work, school, or whatever and simple blow stuff up.

I’m to busy trying to farm gear, or reroll stats to favorable ones so perhaps one day I can just blow everything up and hopefully before the season ends causing us to start the stupid process all over again.

That be like going to a blacksmith and asking them to forge a gold sword, when you go to pick it up, you get a silver dagger instead and the blacksmith says sorry, I decided to make this for you instead, be happy you got this. Are you going to pay a blacksmith for that? NOOOO! So why the hell force players to deal with such stupid nonsense in the game.

In D4, no one wants a sorcerer for any reason, then again it’s not like it’s easy to create a group that would then want a sorcerer.

Still no group finder which is STUPID SAD since D3 had it! No auction house of any kind, still no real PVP which WOW has had both for how long? Even D4’s chat system is subpar compared to WOW. It’s not like Diablo 4 was the first game Blizzard made and such features were out of their scope.

I don’t get it, I paid $100 for D4 (I’m an idiot) , the previous game had some of these features and now I get none of it? What a giant FU. Now Blizzard wants more money for an expansion that adds a class we didn’t ask for?

Oh look, were getting Spiritborn, Lets get stupid excited for the D2 Amazon class which is an insult because of the two remaining D2 classes missing in D4 it should have been the freaking PALADIN! Like everyone has been asking for and yet Blizzard thinks players should pay up to $100 for a new class that for reason requires its own expansion that isn’t the one they wanted… WTF!

I want to play as a Paladin and im 99% sorcerer. Freaking Hammerdin Paladin’s were awesome!

Blizzard is laughing at us the casual player, the ones that actually work full time, with responsibilities keeping us from sitting in front of a screen for 6+ hours every day.

Thank you for reading my long rant and letting me vent my frustration and point of view.

I welcome constructive criticism, tho I’m not sure I’ll see it as I’m dumping D4 again and probably for good which means I can dump bnet and just have steam on my system.

Time to give Last Epoch a try.

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Omg tldr…

Has anyone here watched the new season of the bear damn that shows good


I asked Google Gemini to summarize to 10 bullets (at most); it produced the following:

Casual Diablo 4 Sorcerer Player Rant in 10 Bullet Points

  1. Sorcerer is Underpowered: The author feels the Sorcerer class is weak and constantly nerfed to appease streamers.
  2. Streamer Balancing: The game is balanced around streamers who rush through content, not casual players.
  3. Gear Grind Frustration: Getting strong enough gear for endgame content is too time-consuming for casual players.
  4. Unnecessary Complexity: The addition of complex mechanics makes the game less enjoyable.
  5. Lack of Character Customization: Forced builds and playstyles restrict player choice.
  6. Missing Features: The game lacks features like a group finder and auction house from previous Diablo titles.
  7. Unfair RNG: The random nature of gear stat rolls and imprinting is frustrating.
  8. Desired Content: The author wants a powerful Sorcerer with a focus on fun, fast-paced gameplay.
  9. Disappointment with Paid Expansion: The upcoming expansion offers an unwanted class instead of a desired one (Paladin).
  10. Quitting D4: Due to the above reasons, the author is quitting D4 and considering Last Epoch.

I can understand your suffering. The wizard is abandoned. No synergies in his skills, ambitious model frames and now an absurd nerf to his shields.

But I disagree that you won’t be able to complete all the content, even with cl. Of course you won’t be able to do pit 100 or tormented bosses. or 80 and tormented bosses.

It is great. I love that show.

Wrong place, bub. You told us everything we need to know when you said you only play one class, period.

As Kefka poetically states:
hate hate hate
hate hate hate
hate hate hate
hate hate hate
hate hate hate

Can’t wait season 4 will be a banger I think

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don’t need one. and after the disaster of the d3 ah, we don’t want one. and the devs have already said there will not ever be one again.

the devs long ago already said they were wanting to do a new class for the first expansion. not sure why you were expecting the amazon or paladin. you don’t speak for every player. some of us don’t care about paladins and welcome new classes to the series.

WoW is also a completely different game. and most of it’s pvp started out as pvp zones, which d4 has. and pvp has never been a big element in diablo games.