RAM - 32gb or 64gb?

I think those people have no idea what caused them problems.

I had no issues with 16GB DDR4 3000Mhz.

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Yeah if you’re not one of those systems that has memory leak issues with D4, then 16 will be perfectly fine.

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I have 64GB and play on 4K have had 0 issues.
But one session after like 12hrs straight in game I did catch it using like 37GB of ram


I used an old laptop with 1660ti, 16gb ram (2,666 mhz), i7 9750h and it ran fine. Beta2 I upgraded to 64gb ram since it was on sale for cheap… no noticeable difference.

Got a new laptop for travel, but haven’t had a chance to use it for d4 yet.


worked amazingly well on my very old 16gb ddr4, i5-6600k, geforce 1080ti @ 2560x1080 100hz

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16GB is the minimum I would recommend for today’s games and that includes Diablo IV.

However, having 32GB is the ideal place to be. More than that won’t hurt anything but your pocket, but that is up to each person what they want to spend on it.

Aside from memory, there are other things you can do that I noted above that may help your system play the game well.

Game on.

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16GB is easily enough to run this game.
If you like to have other stuff open on a 2nd monitor or in the background and actually run out of headroom, an upgrade to 32GB is justifiable.

For 64+GB there is a very simple rule that is pretty much always right:
If you don’t know if you need it, then you don’t need it.

Yep, if I would build a new PC today, I would go with 32GB - but 5 years ago when I built mine, 16GB was fine.

I hear ya. The last 4 computers I have built for myself in one capacity or another have all been 32. That includes the Windows 7 machine that I used for my office. But it also was used to run Diablo 3 in multi-boxing on up to 4 accounts years ago. That used memory. lol

Here was the setup back a few years:

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Nice, I had a 2600k as well :smiley: This chip was ahead of its time man. And wtf you OC’d it to 5,9Ghz? Or am I dripping lol

I OC’d mine to 4,4Ghz I think and I had trouble to make it run stable when I tried to go further, but I think my mainboard was bad.

God I wish. No, that was a reporting bug in Windows 7. It was only lightly overclocked a tad. But for some reason, it always reported that speed. Still does in fact.

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Ahhhh lol I was like “HOW IS HE DOING THAT???” :smiley:

First beta weekends had some nasty memory leaks, where neither 32GB or 64GB would help.
For me, that was gone in the latest beta (which of course doesnt mean it was gone for everyone).

As for how much RAM is needed in general, I have struggled with that choice a lot in recent weeks. Ordered the last components for my new PC a few days ago, and ended with 64GB. It is not remotely needed by any games currently. However, if you like modding, which I do, some games are starting to run into a wall at 32GB, which presumably will only get worse.
In 99%+ of cases, 32GB is enough however, and clearly the smart choice.

Yeah definitely a consideration for me too. Especially with AMDs current platform struggling with 4 sticks (as in, good luck getting it to boot).

Intels have the same issues, the 690 has a garbage memory controller, and the 790 is only minimally better.
Depending on the mobo, it can be a crapshoot if anything over 2 slots populated will boot. And XMP is considered overclocking, asus, lul

Fair enough. I have only been reading up on AM5 for my new PC. Intel is just too absurd with power consumption currently.

Considering I just built a newer system with a Z790, DDR5 and a 12900K… But at the moment, I’m using two sticks of DDR5 16GB, and running the XMP profile for 5600. So far, been solid. Plan to add in two more sticks down the road.

MSI Pro Z790P ATX board, not overly costly, but gets the job done.

I have a ASUS Z790-E ROG Strix Gaming WiFi, Gigabyte Z690 AORUS Pro
TeamGroup T-Force Delta RGB 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR5-6200 PC5-49600 CL38

They will happily run on the strix without issue @6200. They will not post no matter the voltage on the gigabyte. They run stock with 1 slot, and 2 slots populated, neither mobo will run with 4 populated.
I’ve had it a long time, I should probably sidegrade.

If you know how computer hardware works and communicate with eachother you would not really be asking this question. And people who say they need more then 32GB of RAM to run D4 has completely lost they’re marbles…

You can run the game at 1080p , 1440p, 4k or 8k for what matters and you will not go even get close to 32GB of RAM.
NO game out there today or in the near future will demand over 32GB RAM in it’s vanilla state. Sure if you load up on xxx number of mods you might get past 32GB.

So people who report troubles with 32GB of memory should maybe run Memtest86 first and see what that report tells them. Or doublecheck that the memory is on the QVL list of the motherboard and CPU.

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I have 32GB of RAM
playing at 4K no issues

But it is ddr5 6400Mhz
And I have a 3090ti.

My 32GB RAM did fine in memtest, and have been running fine for 7 years, as well as being on the MBs QVL list.
The first betas were just a mess.