Radio Silence from the Devs

Forum should merge PC and console discussion, both player bases are dealing with the same issues. There are still dedicated tech support and console/pc bug report forums. It would provide the players and the devs a clearer line of communication, if they desire that.


I agree, though I understand why we’re seeing the lingering cross-gen titles (supply-chain issues, etc.) but going forward we should be seeing fewer and fewer I would hope. It’s time to move on.

Actually the PS5 had at least a temporary price cut recently. Supply.chains aren’t really an issue anymore it’s all greedflation but that’s another topic.

I get why they made it cross gen, but I still wish they hadn’t. I’m sure it’s causing the devs no end of headaches.

Besides it’s high time we saw more next gen only stuff. Final Fantasy 16 was amazing, and I am beyond stoked for Armored Core 6 on Friday.

Frankly, D4 can suck a fat one until they fix things now. I’m not quitting, but this game is definitely getting shelved for a bit. In any same company NOT being run by Satan himself, the President or CEO would have issued a public apology by now and we’d be getting regular updates.