Questions regarding The Gauntlet - Hardcore

“Conquerors Crest Common Trophy”

When opening the game it says, “Conqueror’s Crest Mount Trophy for those who place Top 100 in any ladder”.

Does this mean that in a 4p Leaderboard I can finish at rank 100 (400 total players obtaining the mount trophy for that respective leaderboard) and still obtain the mount trophy?

Or is it only rewarded to the top 25 teams (100 total players).

Furthermore, if I die at rank 1 on hardcore mode will I still be admitted into the Hall of Ancients permitting nobody else beats my score? Additionally will I obtain the Mount Trophy if I am dead when the week concludes, but still Top 100?

please advise!

best regards and thank you in advance!

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Yeah, I did top 100 and never seen this.

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