Questions about the integration with the base game

I have a few questions about how the new expansion will be integrated with the base game:

  • Will the new campaign be accessible to the existing characters, even if they skipped the campaign or new ones will need to be created?

  • Will the base game and the expansion co-exist like in Diablo 2 LOD, with normal characters and expansion characters? In that case will the existing characters be able to be converted as expansion characters?

  • Will new characters get the chance to only skip the base game campaign or will it be all or nothing?

If you have the VoH you will not need to do the base game campaign, you can go right into the VoH because it will have a lore recap of the main story.

  1. Certainly yes. Existing characters that have already completed the base game’s campaign will immediately get the new quest upon logging in, after the expansion goes live.

  2. The expansion is adding extra content on top of the base game in a seamless manner. It’s not going to be like D2, where classic and LOD characters were separated. Expansion and non-expansion characters will definitely still be able to co-exist and play together, obviously non-expansion players won’t be able to follow expansion players to the new regions/dungeons etc. And eternal/seasonal/hardcore will still be separated, just like they are now.

  3. New characters will probably get options to either skip base game campaign only or both campaigns. I could perhaps see the possibility of there being no “skip expansion” option when VoH launches, but I think this would be unlikely.

These are all guesses of course but I’m very confident on point 1 and 2. Doesn’t make sense for Blizzard to do it any other way.