Question on one of the season journey objectives

In the 5th tier of the journey, there’s one called “Damnations Downfall” in which the objective is to defeat each of the helltide commanders while using the profane mindcage during helltides, summoned after completing helltide events.

Well, every time I think I’ve got it figured out what the helltide commanders are, I get dissapointed as the objective never updates. I’ve made sure the profane mindcage is active… what the heck are the actual helltide commanders and which helltide events?? I’ve killed every known commander I could think of!

Uggg…they brought THAT dumb objective back? I remember having to find a guide to figure it out last time . I know it is a specific group of commanders, but I cant remember their names. They really should be more clear in explaining the objective.

The commanders are the worst thing to find as they are tied to Events found in Helltide itself, you know the giant red circles found on the map. There’s three I know of that summon a Commander (I think).

The first is the giant tornado event, where there’s a giant tornado in the center and you have to click on 5 or 6 effigies (creepy twisted looking men/pole things) on the outside to break the tornado and set him free so you can kill him, you have a limited amount of time though.

The second is the portal event, where multiple portals spawn and you have to kill them before the timer runs out, after completing this another commander should spawn.

The third, and I could be wrong on this one, is you see a bunch of cultists just bowing toward the center, killing them spawns the commander (I think, but it might be just a normal elite).

The bug assassin should technically count as a commander, but it never has for me. It’s annoying.

Please note it has to say “Name, Helltide Commander” on their health bar for it to count, as far as I know. Example: Delakzus, Helltide Commander. The bug assassin is just noted as “Helltide Assassin” and not a commander, probably why it doesn’t count.

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Good stuff. So I was right in that it was tied to the circle events… I’m just not getting the ones with the actual commanders. Well at least I know now.

Thanks a million!!

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Anyone ever figure out who the 5 are?
Ive searched and searched and have zero idea who the 5 commanders are.

Does anybody know if you have to do it in one helltide or if you can break it up into multiple hellties?