Question, are you satisfied with the itemization in the game (including the PTR)?

I would like to know if it is just me who is dissatisfied with the direction things are going…


The only thing that I’m unsatisfied with is that they made damage numbers bigger by squishing stats


No. Items are dead boring. Theres no dopamine hit even if you find something good.

Its a snoozefest.


I think the itemization (especially on Uniques) has continued to move in the right direction.

If their original intention is that it was easier to find a 3/3 item and then craft/temper the remaining target 2, then there is still quite a bit of bloat that no one wants. Bloat in bloat in both the base itemization - especially on amulet. And Bloat from some of the tempers as they add more manuals.

The most famous one remains life per second vs life per hit vs % healing. They should probably pick one and remove the rest from the item drops. If they want to keep specific functions like for Andy or for Temerity keep it to the uniques but not for regular drops runing the loot table.


When you ask yourself

What do I need to be stronger.

Usually in an arpg the answer is. Get better items.

In d4 it is.

Do pit, exesivly for little increments of power.
Or get out a calculator and do the math on your 700 different yet similar %dmg stats and see where you can get a better corelation.

There is no Dopamin in D4. It’s a hanster wheel.


No, the changes made to Eternal are not acceptable in my view, and now they made all gear except GAs to be mostly useless. So now we have Blue, Yellows, non GA Legendaries and Uniques that will be trash.


Not really. It’s better than it was, but no. I really don’t like the affixes that are used. Some of the legendary aspects totally rule and the rest are not much good.

The Unique’s are ok and they define a few builds, the others are mostly niche leveling up items.

Mythics make me want to play eternal only as they’re so hard to come by (for me) as I want to savor them forever…

No. Regardless of my or anyone else’s thoughts on whether or not the systems as implemented were well-designed, they gave us a large amount of player agency and flexibility. It was getting better.

Now they are now taking a large portion of that away except for an apparently miniscule drop rate for items equvalent (in # of tempers and # of MW levels and thus possible crits) to what we already have now.

It’s a huge step backwards and honestly feels vindictive at this point.


Nobody sane could be satisfied with D4 itemization, it is literally on a D3 level and it’s a common fact that you can’t mention world “itemization” and “D3” at the same sentence.

One of the worst in the genre.

They lost another opportunity with this so-called “Runewords” again just disgusted gems.


Mythic uniques and target farming are dealbreakers for me. In D4 you are guaranteed to get the most powerful items by doing chores.

I remember in D3 there was one rare legendary amulet, and each time it dropped I was very excited to see what kind of stats it rolled. Never happens in D4.


At the current rate there will be 6 mythic helms in 3 years. You may be excited to pick up the mythic to see which one it is and if it’s finally the right one. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I don’t mind the item drop rate from PTR given there was no infernal hordes, it felt on the lower side but still felt fine. Better than being so high, that everything feels like excess.

My only issue was with the chasm between non-ancestral and ancestral levels of gear. 1 temper and 8/12 MW is a lot.

It almost feels like you need Ancestral to do well in Torment 4, also not sure why Torment 4 drops so little ancestral as non-ancestral is pretty much useless there. And if you use regular uniques, they can feel like they are level gating you out of Torment 4 as Ancestral Uniques seem to be the hardest things to find in the game.

They made Ancestral rarer, but it forces you to do more bosses. Assuming Infernal Hordes gives you some also, I am ok with it.

I prefer mythics being super rare…but yet to see what S6 will look like, because in PTR everyone had access to them and had about 3 in their build.

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Satisfied with the ptr itemization? Terrified is the better word.
It’s completely garbage in my opinion.
There is no progression at all when you have 750 in all slots.
You find 1 GA item per hour with wrong affixes or you brick it with tempering.
To avoid these things, you need 100x more drops, that of 100 items only 90 have wrong affixes and of 10 items you brick 8, so you can maybe use 2 items for your character.
That was working quite great in season 4/5.
Season 6 is a desaster in this point.


Are you sure? That seems unnecessarily melodramatic. Its just a game.


I am more than satisfied. Everything was top notch!

Didn’t play the PTR, on live with current drop rates I have zero 3GA pieces equipped across my 5 characters and half a dozen 2GA’s and the rest single GA of either health or main stat which are easy to get or no GA at all.

My best items came from goblin bags. Without that event I would not have made 5 characters this season. The one thing that event managed to do was eliminate the chase for better and for worse as the 2 characters I made as a result ended up with multiple GA pieces of ancestral gear at level 55.

The result of this quick upshot of gear to me was instant fun because I could grind higher level NM dungeons to level glyphs and bring builds online which enabled them to skip grinding the normal boss ladder and jump straight into tormented bosses. Seeing as how these were my 3rd and 4th characters it’s nice to actually skip some of the process.

Those first characters were a grind though as they generally are at the start of the season for me because I go in blind without any guides. I only hope 2.0 doesn’t extend that grind.

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I think the current itemization has a few serious flaws.

1 - I have no clue if an item is an upgrade when I pick it up. This is due to 2 of the 5 stats being unknown and having limited rolls. This is even more annoying when the most important stat on the item is a temper roll. If you have a good roll on that key stat you generally aren’t going to slot something that has a lower roll. This means not only do you need to roll the right stat but get a good roll on it.

2 - Getting an upgrade requires way too much effort. Imagine you have an item with decent rolls and you spent a bajillion gold rerolling master working until you triple crit the key stat. Then you get a item that could possibly be an upgrade. First you go temper. If you luck through that you then go reroll. If you luck through that you then play the master working reset game. A couple of days and bajillions in gold later you get the new item triple crited. All that for some upgrade you probably won’t even notice.

As a result of the above I just stopped caring about loot. They turned what was normally a fun part of the game into a chore.


Of course not. It’s been garbage since the game came out, garbage as of today.


You won’t be hitting 3/3 with 2 Tempers on S6. It’ll be 3/3 with 1 Temper, because only Ancestrals get 2 Tempers now - and they aren’t common at all.

I can promise when Ancestrals drop, you’ll be excited, especially for a 3/3. Just leveling without the cheats on PTR, getting a 2/3 Ancestral was a big upgrade, then you add in an extra Temper. I’d even take a 1/3 Ancestral simply because I can alao use Enchant, just not on the GA affix.

While not yet implemented, the Scrolls of Reset will cut down on the bricking. We still don’t know if it truly resets all Tempers, or just resets the Temper Count (there’s a massive difference)!

The only major complaint I have is the Affix Weighting that heavily favors Life Per Second. That Affix is useless and needs to be removed. Life Per Hit actually has some use, but Life Per Second only works out of combat and has such low values that don’t scale. 100% terrible design there.

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Yes, agree with you. What I meant was more of the original itemization change to drop to 3 affix instead of 4 because they wanted the ideal first three stats to be easier to get. And this was largely true. Main stat and they key damage affix did get easier, but they could still cull back more bloat overall.

And yes, 1000% agree on the affix weighting especially when it comes to GA weighting.

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