Question about upgrades - Codex (Amulett)


I have an amulet with that

“Unbroken Chain” aspect that gives me 47% chance at (30-60) of skipping lightning 4 times.

My codex has this aspect, but only at 27% with a range I think of (25-40) or so.

However, I cannot extract the 47% aspect of the amulet so that it can be upgraded in the codex. Theres no tooltip that the destruction at blacksmith would upgrade it.

Does anyone know why and can explain to me exactly how it works?


The aspect on the amulet is looking larger because it is on an amulet that increases the chance (in this case) by 150%.

So without that boost from the amulet the base chance of that aspects effect must be lower or the same as to what you already have.