Question about the jungle cat mount from pre-order and our existing mount armors

Just a quick question, since I haven’t pre-ordered yet, can you put your purchased mount armors for the horses on the cat or will every time they introduce a new mount type will they have their own armor skins?

I ask because I haven’t seen folks using different armors on the cats so I’m wondering if it’s not possible.

Horses and cats have different body shapes, so one can’t fit the other.

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Thanks for the answer. It just kinda sucks that you can’t put some of those expensive skins for the horses on the cat. I mean, one of the armors I bought was the hydra mount skin and was hoping you could put those on the new mount.

It kinda makes that money spent wasted because of there being new mount types.

Blizzard thanks you for your future purchases to separate mount armors.

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