Question about item affixes

Hey guys, havent played in awhile, just coming back for another round. I am wondering, did the affixes recieve a major overhaul or something? Last time i played , every other freaking piece of garbage gear, which was almost all of it, had the same ridiculous crappy affixes like …

+damage to close
+damge to distant
+damage to … etc etc etc … it was horrible.

But im not seeing any of that anymore, except occasionally, on a few niche items i have seen the + dmg to near, far , etc.

So, if the items did get changed, did blizz post a list anywheres of the current affixes available on rares, etc?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, Season 4 (Loot 2.0).

You will get less items now, but they’ll typically only roll with useful stats. You can still get + skills etc… but the “Damage on Tuesdays” stats have been removed or migrated to Tempering (See the Blacksmith), where you can add those if they’re useful to you.

There probably is a list of what’s available on wowhead or maxroll, I don’t think Blizz have officially released a list of the stats.

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Nice, seems to be much better then was. And yea man, exactly, +to damage on some tuesday,… haha , made me laugh, think i might have actually seen that affix on a gear drop once. O,o

Anywho, thanks mate.

Take any piece of gear to the Occultist. You can preview all available affixes in the enchanting tab.

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The Loot 2.0 is a good change in the itemization, all though it could use a bit of work still in refining it.

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Aspects also changed. You no longer have to store them to use them one time. Just salvage the gear and the aspect goes to your Codex of Power to be used all season, or forever on eternal.

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Oh i see, i almost didnt see that little icon in the corner. Thats sweet, thanks mate.

Nice, thanks for the info guys.