Question about Dual Wield Whirlwind

Does weapon order matter? The reason I ask this is because I just recently swapped my weapon order. I use Ramas and a Mace. My new order puts the mace as the first strike. I immediately noticed a difference. Not like a “could be placebo” difference but a significant difference. My highest damage output is still the same, but mobs go down MUCH faster, as if my damage average is higher. I’m wondering if it has something to do with the mace applying Vuln/Stun on the first strike of the rotation and immediately triggering Wallop, and if the order of applied multipliers matters. Anyone else have any feedback or similar experiences? Or want to tell me I’m crazy?

Edit: Actually, I’ve done some dummy testing and my average damage is noticeably higher and I hit a higher peak damage as well. Not a huge difference on the peak damage, but large enough that it tells me weapon order does change something.

Order does not matter. The weapons do not land at different times. It is all treated together.

Do you have any sources to confirm this? Or is this just a general consensus among players with no testing?

Personal Testing which has been verified by numerous other testers. I have tried this with White Weapons and added variables in all with the same outcome. Now if this on PTR, I mean, anything goes there. They break more stuff than fix it. Ramas has had Snapshot issues to its favor in the past so there is a chance that is what is happening.

So nothing official. I suppose it doesn’t matter then since I can just use it in whichever order I see fit. I’m gonna keep testing though and compare results every so often.

Yeah, I’m sorry but no. That is the unfortunate thing about the state of the game is that there isn’t much that is official. It would be great to get a sticky with actual verified bugs and mechanics and when Blizzard actually addresses them we can all have a party and cross stuff out. Sadly it seems more bugs and broken interactions get introduced every Season than stuff gets fixed.

I’m just going to assume that either one of us could be right and that more testing can be done, but that ultimately I’ll just use what seems better since worst case scenario it doesn’t even matter.

I think that would be a great way to go. Post your findings!

I like your views. Possible difference, may or may not be intentional.

All I can say for sure is my average damage is visually higher, but that can be hard to gauge anyway cause of FOF.

My clearance rate is faster. Mobs die faster and especially seem to take more initial damage on the first hits.

Bosses go down slightly faster, but this again could be the luck of FOF.

Highest damage was higher than I’ve ever seen, having only changed the weapon order. Not by an insane amount or anything, just 50-100 million difference, somewhere in there.

There are already so many variables to consider. It’s so difficult to gauge things like this without a clear cut answer from Blizzard, which we’ll never get anyway.

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I always put the mace first.

Can’t confirm, but my theory is that the weapon techniques are bugged when dual wielding, and you only get the effects of the first weapon.

With mace, you get berserking and 10x to stunned. The minimal increases you’re seeing align with my theory. 1h sword tech doesn’t give damage.

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Hm, this is interesting.

Come to think of it after adding a mace I noticed I never really got beserking on hit, but the sword was always in the first slot. I’m about to test on the dummies.

Edit: He’s right. Not only does beserk on hit work you can audibly hear a difference when you whirlwind, the sound of the blunt hammer hitting instead of the slicing of the sword.


I will say, read this and swapped my weapons to sword first mace second. Ran a 95 and barely made it to the boss with 1.5 mins. This is about a minute slower than the worst timer I can recall (and I have upgrade pieces since that worst timer)

Yea there’s definitely a difference.

Yeah I’ve got to agree, back to mace first and cleared 95 as normal. Likely not benefitting from Wallop too.

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