Minimap shows the quest marker in Gea Kul, but you can’t interact with the quest board to start it
Same here. Anyone know of a workaround?
same here, any fix ?
I wonder if they are going to fix this. Its been like this since the Vessel of Hatred Dropped
/bump, still bugged.
still bugged…can’t interact with the job board still
hi, I play on xbox, I also have this problem with the mission, it’s the last one for me in the region, there is the point to accept the mission (!) only that when I get close I’m not allowed to access the mission !
there is some
thanks for those who reply!
Still bugged on 11/14/24. Sighhhh
Yep still bugged 20.11.24
Still bugged 25.11.2024
Still the same 30.11.2024
Still bugged for Christmas 2024 ! Yay Blizzard !
Can confirm, still bugged. Dec. 27, 2024
Happy New Year, still bugged!
I couldn’t pick it up on my first run, but was able to when I logged back in the next day. Seems like a lot of these are bugged that you have to exit the game and go back in. Hope that helps.
Just started playing the new season. Still bugged!
It’s been months. We’ve started a new season. This quest has literally not been accessible in the entire time I’ve played this game.
FFS I just want to finish the stupid map completion once.
Just started with this season, same bug here!
Still broken and happening in latest season.
Still bugged today (23/02/025) - messing with my ‘completionist’ DNA lol
Still bugged March 8th