PVP needs to be boosted

Hi nobles! I’ve been following Diablo since 1996, playing every title during that time! I know that many ideas have already been posted here in this forum on the topic of PVP, but in general terms it is terrible that we arrive shortly into the season and the 2 arenas are empty. The focus here is to know what can be done by Blizzard, with a low development effort to be delivered in a short time. Blizzard needs to create more value for PVP for players to generate continued interest. I have two suggestions that could help and I hope that players will also collaborate here to bring this to Blizzard’s attention.

  1. Create a leaderboard with the highest PVP scorers, divided by class and clan.
  2. Open PVP to the entire world, in addition to maintaining the arenas. When the player is in the world and activates the blood mark, he will only be able to attack and receive attacks from those who also have the blood mark.

Blizzard, look at this carefully, as simple things can solve things in the short term and create interesting solutions!


Hard to PvP when people are not playing. I see this idea going no where but best of luck.


Thank you, dear. We need to draw attention to this!


I don’t like PVP, but I know many people love it, so I think improving it is always a good idea.


There is no incentive for PvP, other than the title for killing people in hardcore mode (which can be cheesed if you really wanted too). One suggestion I had is to put the Blizz store outfits available for shards. Like, alot of them.


I would say a few people love it. If many people loved it, we wouldn’t have to find other incentives for them to participate in PVP. It’s one of those things that everybody says they do but no one ever does. I’ve never seen a soul in those areas and I’ve looked. See plenty of people everywhere else in game, so it’s not a no-players issue.

I said before, the way to fix this is all PVP areas should be on one shard. Anyone in the area is with anyone else in the area on any server/shard. And I would make just one area. Convert the other area to normal function. Having two areas that close to each other yet separate was bad design.


I say this in a general sense. If you add a good PVP mode you will see many new players come to Diablo4.
If you don’t see anyone, that means that the PVP is not very good and needs to be improved.
The only thing that doesn’t need improvement is what is already perfect.

So I’ll say it again: I think improving it is a good idea.


If you want to PvP in eternal, let me know.


This is one of the best ideas ever put forward. Thanks for the reinforcement!


I forgot to say that as long as they don’t add exclusive rewards to the PVP I’m fine with adding incentives.
(As far as I know, there are exclusive cosmetics… and I hate it :sweat_smile:)


This idea may also be valid. Ty!

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I’d be all for a pvp server set up like old school UO.


Still would like to see a queueable battleground for PvP enjoyers (for Eternal particularly, least that is a bit more manageable). Would give a way to see if you are truly undergeared against big wigs or fairing well against others. That and just a way to run with a premade group and not just stomp on solos.

  1. Open PVP to the entire world, in addition to maintaining the arenas. When the player is in the world and activates the blood mark, he will only be able to attack and receive attacks from those who also have the blood mark.

Given the fact that you share the “world” with a limited number of players, the chance that someone else is blood marked is quite slim. It might be better if there was a pvp game mode which you picked at character creation. This would funnel pvp players.
That being said, the interest in pvp is very limited, overall.


Any time PvP is mentioned in an interview or campfire chat, it’s either “not being worked on at the moment” or “there are no plans for that”. It’s so low on their priority list, I wouldn’t expect any changes. And there’s still so much stuff in the game that needs fixing.

But I was thinking the PvP zones are way too small & unoccupied and they should either have open world PvP (not PK’ing because you’d have to be flagged first) or PvP servers where it’s free for all with safe zones.


I think the problem is the design philosophy is data lead and not vision led. This is the classic Steve Jobs statement of if you asked the consumer what they wanted, they would not have said touch screen phones.

All the data in the current environment suggests PvP is not worth investment of developer time. So a vicious cycle persists where PvP gets no thought leadership or improvements.

There are lots of ideas that could work, but the only one that they should implement ASAP with minimal coding changes is as Nymerius suggested. Reduce number of PvP instances. If you TP in, send the players to the same zone.


Love this and I hope they do it.
I just hope crybabies and sore losers don’t flood the forums with their rage!


Well, pvp is and always will be a gimmick. There’s no way to make it competitive/fair because class balance will never happen. It’s unlikely we will ever see balanced classes for PvE and they won’t even think about PvP balance until that’s achieved.


I believe this is also a good option!

They should make a repeatable quest for turning ears in to the tree of whispers which gives cool rewards!