PvP is just so bad

It’s far worse than you can even imagine dude. rank 25 MV = invincible to players. I hear barbs saying 24 is ok and 25 is bm lol that means 96% dmg reduction is ok but 100% is bm. Devs should be ashamed. Even a rookie dev wouldn’t have made these mistakes. It’s pretty much the first and only think you are looking to restrict as a game dev. Invincible builds are not fun for anyone, even the people who use them. Be better blizz

I am currently writing this afk in fields of hatred killing people with thorns while I take no damage from their attacks.


Most people who say Diablo was never a PvP game are probably referring to the trash heap that is Diablo 3. Diablo 1 had open PvP with PK’ing and was decent for its time. Where do they think the idea of ears came from? People were exploiting the game left and right for PvP purposes. There were PK’s and bounty hunters with their own clans and channels. I remember a website that listed the bounties of the most sought after killers.

Blizzard just has no balls and wants everything to be super safe and easy in this day.


Look at the playerbase. Tho D1 & D2 pvp brought out the worst in ppl and invited grieving. Pk so many HC players. It was super toxic but fun at the same time.

what’s crazy is player vs player has a built in damage reduction of 92% or something… the build I run has several damage reduction modifiers. Dark shroud is 14% per shroud(with 5 that’s 70%), then my helm is another 20%, then if I trap them it’s another 20% and if they are CC’ed which my trap is, it’s another 18%, then if they are close range, it’s another 18% but I still get 1 tapped XD I’ve done 4.3 billion damage before with my build and I see a lot of 600m-900m hits but I shoot fast (Heartseeker) yet I can’t even damage most barbs. they have a barrier and are unstoppable so I just throw a trap down- they get close- I die from the barb that looked at me. It sucks :confused:

So my Necro has nearly 60% Dodge (after diminishing returns) and I use the Aspect that gives me 20% health every time I dodge.

The sound of a health potion being drank plays every time the healing activates from a dodge and when I PvP that’s all I can hear. gulp. gulp. gulp gulp. gulp gulp gulp gulp. gulp. gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp . gulp.

I can just stand in one place and laugh. It’s like Homer Simpson boxing. And then once I’ve heard enough gulping I just drop Corpse Tendrils and let the minions overwhelm the poor sod.
It doesn’t always work - but it usually works - and I’ve a stash tab full of ears.

Barbarians tend to only finish me off if they use that nasty Charge + Leap + Earthquake + HotA slam. It’s a ton of stuns and burst damage.

Imagine buying D4 for PvP.


you forgot about permanent immune no cd teleport sorcs. They still exists, viable and feels great in pvp

OMG , not this again LOL

They should change the gulp gulp gulp sound to gag gag gag. Hire Megan Fox to voice it and sell it as Add-ons. I am buying it! Along with most of the playerbase.

Blizzard doesn’t balance around PvE either. Do you think Barbarians are balanced the past 3 seasons? Ask a Druid LOL

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As a sorc enjoyer I’m well aware lol. I’m just going barb for S5 though. If you can’t beat 'em, join 'em.

PvP is fine nobody does it anyways but it should be left as a fun after thought because thats all it should be in this game.

How is this idiot now banned, when I have been banned for far less obnoxious comments.

Bojangles, I assume you lack what your name references, since brains is not part of your equation, nor logic, nor the ability to engage in a meaningful debate about a game, yes a video game.

Rob Ferguson, you think he is brilliant at this game? Them two ladies early on during the show case, clearly not playing? Or the B Team, seemingly putting out a bad season, and we only had Four already.

This game is easy for simpletons like you… to gauge…

Rob Ferguson is so awesome at video gaming right. I love how so many folks are ten feet tall behind a monitor, but cowards when faced with muscle and size.

FOLKS like you, walk this world. true Beta Males… often dreaming, I one day can be an Alpha… You dream, can be like myself a true Sigma. But you just enjoy your Soy Decaf Vanilla Late, ok…

See, I stand on merits, I stand on integrity, values, morals. When a company like this operates like this, they will no longer get my money. I already moved on.

I already have removed all the links I had to Blizzard but two, this and the actual game is not removed from my library. It will be.

The standard edition of this game should be 20 bucks. They will add so little to this game, and the Soy Boys will dance all the way to their glorious Level 100 Character…

All the while, a Blind One Handed Monkey is also a level 100 Character.

No Dopamine hits. No moments that make you sit up. They have saturated the game so bad, even the idea of obtaining a Shako, a Grandfather… is meaningless.

Enjoy the game Nyurei, you must be on Blizzard payroll.

yea… you clearly did. xD

Hello! I host PvP Tournaments with my clan Valor. The PvP community has a “council” of trusted members that create “GM (Good Manner)” rules to balance 1v1 pvp. Check out our Discord

Our next PvP tournament:
Clan Valor will be hosting another PvP tournament on Sunday, July 28, 2024 12:00 PM EST. This tournament will be “Pro Level” but is open to all.

The format will either be Single/Double Elimination or Two Stage Round Robin depending on number of sign ups.

  • Prizes will be awarded to top 4 finishers in either format (1st: 50%, 2nd: 25%, 3rd: 15%, 4th: 10%)
  • Rules will be GM rules. You WILL have to STREAM in the Discord to ensure legitimacy of builds and fairness for all competitors.

Current Prize Pool (Donations):
$50 + 190B Gold

DM me for more information on GM PVP Rules / Sign up

Did you just step out of your time machine from 5 years ago? Cause we’ve all kinda agreed as a society to point and laugh at that crap.
Loneliness is a hell of a drug.

There is a lfg/clan part on the fourms. You dont need to go around spamming every thread in general.

Please remind me since I forget, what is the going gold price for a pair of Mythical Bui Sorc ears? I hear they go for 1T, 500b each on Discord.

Edit: Sincerely, please be careful of ToS for both tournament level license and forum. I think Valor is doing a great service, but since this is a Blizzard owned website please be cautious not to get your posts flagged and banned.

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I’m not recruiting for a clan. I’m trying to promote PvP tournaments & inform people that PvP has a community pushing to make it better.