PVP cosmetic vendor change

Dear Blizzard… thanks for the changes… NOT.

Who in their right state of mind would do this kind of change?
Now you can buy the PVP cosmetics (like the mount armor) TWICE. Then, of course, you can’t trade it back, you can’t use it, you can’t do anything. You can just cry that you did a mistake.

Sure enough, there’s a line on it “Already owned”, but before S2 you couldn’t buy things you did already own, they weren’t even listed in the vendor.
Now, suddenly, they’re there, and you can buy them twice.

So, thanks for making me waste 85.000 red shards.

Now, I know that you were trying to fix the disappearing cosmetics bug, but at least use your brains and let us sell back to the vendor what we did buy.
Sounds too logical to you?

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Having the exact same issue, please fix