PvP Areas and Players need some LOVE!

Diablo 4 still needs an endgame that grabs us and wants us to keep playing … one can only grind the pit for so long and play the greater affix game till their eyes bleed…
what a player needs is ears! a reason to play… and reason to wanna gear up and become powerful. a reason to gank some noobs… a reason to dominate!
whatever your motivation! PvP is a part of this game … and atmo the areas are dead…
with 0 love given to the cosmetics and reward system at the pvp area… people no longer have a reason to come back…
i think the pvp rewards and cosmetics need to be changed seasonally! else it just becomes a dead, useless area… lacking of ears
maybe competitions? some ranking board or wanted poster of this weeks number one!.. bragging rights, replays, tournaments… i know blizz wants to wash their hands of this area of the game and balancing… but a PvP zone that is filled with danger, expectation, and shineys is important for the longevity of a season!!! Hell I’d buy cosmetics to compete in a pvp tournament…!! anyway! the pvp area needs some work and must not be forgotten
The ultimate boss is not Lilith! It’s that Hota barb that just smashed ur face in and now you want revenge!

Yeah, beating the AI has expiration date, beating another player is always a new endeavor.

However I would rather see fun replayable game mode(s) in PvP rather than item/cosmetic rewards.

Like capture the flag, tvt death matches best out of 5 or 9 or whatever and ofc an in-game group up system.

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