PVP - "‍Caged Heart of Trickery" breaking PVP

Hey there! Rogue “‍Caged Heart of Trickery” is unable to be broken by any means at all in PVP. It really shouldn’t even work in PVP at all as other player taunts–such as barbarian–have no effect on players.

This is absolutely devastating to the PVP community as the already most powerful class (rogue) now has the ability to quite literally crowd control you and every other player on the screen without any counterplay indefinitely through every ability – flame shield (immunity), teleport (unstoppable) both still end up with you getting taunted and walking back to the Shadow Decoy Trap.

On another note, if by some absolute miracle this thread is read by a Blizzard employee, poison imbuement is also not being reduced in PVP combat correctly and is doing 300% of fully geared players health bars in its duration basically.

We have a video of the bug in action but i cannot link it unfortunately.


As a PvP rogue, I 100% agree this is a beyond broken mechanic. I will not be using it.


Tested this with a friend from the pvp community, using TP Enchant on my sorc, Flame shield, double tp, etc, all of it ends up forcing me to walk back to the taunt location no matter the distance I cover. And Rogues can keep this up 100% of the time while in a fight. It completely ruins any attempt at pvping for anything that isn’t a rogue, and rogue vs rogue is going to just be subterfuge spam to perma taunt each other and no one will be able to attack.

I think its happening because the decoy is coded as a mob and not as a player. Player taunts don’t work vs other players.

PVP 1000000000% unplayable against a rogue now.

Bump for an important pvp community theme

Pvp rogue here, also bumping for visibility. This ruins FOH

We know pvp balance is not a priority but pls at least let us even play the mode :((

We 100% agree with the Caged Heart and Poison Imbuement damage.
It needs a fix.

Blizzard, this isn’t a fix that can be delayed. It’s something that completely breaks PVP. Time to show you care even a little.

This needs to be fixed asap.

100% agree this needs to be fixed ASAP. FOH is unplayable because of this.

This is game breaking, should be fixed ASAP. PvP is unplayable with it

Still isn’t fixed. If a rogue uses this against a player the opponent cannot control their character forever no matter what.

Bump for visibility, this issue completely kills the pvp community, and has already started pushing people back to eternal realm, or off the game entirely until it’s fixed.

Kills all motivation to even bother levelling up in seasons if your goal is to make a really cool build using seasonal mechanics.

i really dont like this guy JR, but for once i actually agree, FIX PLS

It’s true. They will fix it in Season 4 don’t worry.

Bump for exposure, this completely kills the pvp community on seasons and needs to be addressed asap.

I concur, I am rank #1 & I love hunting down barbs to put them in their place after keeping them permanently taunted/CC’d

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Bump, poor nerfed barb here. Let me use my character in the zone again please