Put the campfire character select back


Period, end of story.

Put it back. NOBODY wanted this change or asked for it, EVER.


I am not a fan of the new change either, seems odd waste of assets


It’s probably because they couldn’t fit the spiritborn in a way that looked good.


D2 had 7 char around the campfire


I like the current animations, especially the druid (it’s dope!), but I’m also in favor of bringing back the campfire.
Why we can’t have both? For example, instead of buttons to select a character, after clicking on a character at the campfire we would see their animations and all those descriptions, and to the sides we would see the closest 2 characters sitting at the campfire. We could easily switch to these 2 characters if we wanted to choose other class or go back to campfire view with all 6 classes visible.

Put the druid on a diet. Problem solved. :stuck_out_tongue:


come on give change a try…find something else to complain.


Yeah change… back to D3 lol

Anyone consider they may have changed it till the expansion actually launches? Just a thought.

Put druid on a diet and gastric bypass and tell druid quit deep frying all forest animals.


They’ve removed Diablo from the game, now the campfire! Blizzard fix it!


Its the end of the game as we know it :dancer: :man_dancing:

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No that is not the case cause it would be a huge waste of money to make a char select screen like that just for the ptr when they could have just used the current one if it wasn’t what it was going to look like for season 6

Just like a lot of the things we get like mounts and pets in the loading screen!

Yes, campfire good, no campfire bad…

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Next our beloved Merc will show on the loading screen next to the horse and collector pet. Mercs… bah… i hate mercs. Can we give the Merc an name? I will call “it” Eddy Mercs.

The campfire selection screen is a big part of the diablo identity. You messed big time here.


Some topics dont need many words… => +1

So they are willing to invest time and resources on redesigning the character selection screen, only to fit the spiritborn, but can’t put time and resources to make a proper stash space/loot filter that more than half of the community’s been asking for since day 1. Imagine…

I wish the horse would vanish out of the loading screen, too.