Push out Codex Enhancements first before Season 4

With nothing to do in Season 3 now, I was thinking maybe it is a good time to push out the Codex Enhancement if it is ready now. Reasons for doing so would be…

  1. Allows players to clean up their stash for easy migration from Season 3 to Season 4
  2. Allows players to farm for more aspects during the Season 3 lull period
  3. No or low impact on itemization changes to gear
  4. Allows players not to be overwhelmed with the multitude of changes in Season 4


  1. Your aspects will automatically be put in the codex at the end of the season.
  2. Start deleting the lower tier aspects you have duplicates of.
  3. Not sure what you’re implying.
  4. As stated, the aspects will be taken care for you when the patch goes live. This includes any you have stashed on the Eternal realm.

As for all your gear, salvage everything that won’t help you farm for new gear on the Eternal realm.

There are 6 weeks left in season 3. That’s plenty of time to sort out your stash space issues. Any gear you acquire cannot be upgraded with the new system. Very few pieces will be worth keeping at this point.

The codex changes are not coded to be a stand-alone patch.

Maybe see if its good first in PTR, looks alright on paper. But i am concerned its overly streamlined. Do aspects even matter anymore finding them? idk i need to play it personally. I like the engagement, i dislike the storage space, but i don’t really horde so its not too bad, gear still takes up more space because of alts. so i really am confused about this change tbh.Personally they could leave aspects as is, and give me more stash tabs.

just to be clear : as far as i know : codex will be empty at the start of every season.
it’s just that it’ll merge at the end of the season with the one you have on eternal realm by keeping the best of each aspect.

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its clearly not ready, or they would give us every aspect on the ptr. But they only give us a couple, so we can test that system.

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For me, it is the opposite. I tend to look for better gears and upgrade them. So I hoarded a lot of aspects for upgrading (took up two full tabs for mains and alts). All the best gears are already on the character - except pieces for situational purposes. My actual intent is to get the new Codex and use the lull period in Season 3 to farm and upgrade all the aspects as many as possible - especially in the Eternal Realm as I do play the “older” characters.

Yeah i can see that, I guess. Its mainly due to alts for me having shared stash. Its fine to do something to help clean up stash, i just think perhaps this is too streamlined for my taste, I like extracting the ancestral powers for some reason. more than selecting from the codex.
Its the same thing i know, but the shiny aspects are cooler than the codex :slight_smile: imo
So i would have converted that to the codex just to make it look cool, and save space.

So mechanically its the same, we keep our aspects tab functional. but we can store them in the codex as we see fit, so we can have some on the tab for quick printing and store alt builds, max rolls , whatever in the codex. at there stored stat value.

If once we find a max roll we have that forever to freely print idk that takes soemthing away for me. Not saying that is what happens, but it looks that way i think.

End of the day either way is not a deal breaker just a preference to not entirely mechanically scrap aspects as is, but it wont mean i dont play so whatever. lol

In some way I agree with you. I will tend to be more cautious when upgrading gears - tendency to keep the best aspects for better gears that may drop later. The hunt for better aspects can be fun (in some way),

Maybe Blizzard can consider using the occultist to extract the higher level aspects and insert them into the codex for a fee/mats. The game will still help to identify which gears have the higher level codex so that you won’t miss them. Maybe this will help to put that “missing feeling” back. :slight_smile:

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Play something else while you wait. I got a bunch of other games to catch up on, and they’ll take a back seat when the PTR hits, then I’ll pick them up a week later. Enjoy the vacation while you can I say.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder as they say. Or in this instance just further strengthens the addiction.

Yeah, still can be “streamlined” without being too much so imo, it’s hard to explain what i imagine in text sadly.

Its basically, keeping the occultist functional, keeping the shiny gold and blue powers functional and layering that with the codex for basically storage of them.

This keeps the hunt for loot side, the extracting side, but makes them interactable with the codex , rather than the stash. and we can also keep them on our characters for quick prints. Easy if you can follow my thoughts. Solves the purpose for it, without making it less engaging.

Which is fine for the ones we get from dungeons and starters as they are our vanilla foundational powers, we slot in.

The rest should be hunted for imo. Per usage of it. Exactly it adds choice and thought, if we can just spam print after finding it once, i mean what it the point?

That said if they are reducing drops of loot, not sure how that is going to feel without MF to be honest. Maybe it works. but i think its too much too soon, all over the place.

But thats how i would approach it.