Purchased 2 copies one for xbox one for pc and linked, reduced total character slots to 12 (from 24?)

I purchased 2 copies of Diablo 4 , 1 ultimate diablo4 for PC and a regular diablo4 for Xbox. I successfully linked the accounts so that I can play between them with cross progression. All of that works great. Thanks Blizzard. However, my assumption was that each account comes with what… 12 character slots? So i assumed I would have 24 character slots applied to the combined account. I do NOT. I have 12 total character slots for the ripe price of $99.00 + $69.99 canadian. total of 170.00

Am i wrong to feel totally ripped off by this? I have 10 slots filled with level 100 characters. I manage to max out about 2 or 3 characters per season. This means season 4 is my last season before i will be forced to delete previous characters if i want to make any new ones. Or buy another 70 dollar copy? Seems very unfair, unless i am incorrect in my assumption.


Fully Agree we need at least 20 character slots default with 2 slot increase each season.

you don’t have 2 accounts, you have one account and 2 copies of the game. It’s not cross progression either, its the same progression as you’re logging into the same blizzard account… the game has cross play across systems. Basically your line of thinking was off and you were never gonna get 24 character slots