Ptr: yellows, rare & veiled crystals. gameflow solution

I watched a lot ptr gameplay, i played 5 x 100er & 2 x 90 charakter in S3.
I love to experiment with builds/gear, playing different builds, maybe classes. i am on XBOX.

My most fear about mess up s4 is about game flow. We have had a hard time, the last year with stash, watching all the rare, port to town and back. You know the story. And Blizz say: We hear you. We adress it. “Less town/menü time, more slaying”. “Quality over Quantity”.

There was a shortage of veiled crystals on the ptr. Almoust every streamer i saw. I saw them pick up yellows (rare items), buy them at the vendor, create new char s to gamble. And then salvage it at black smith. To get veiled crystals.

Blizzard, i beg you. Please fix this game breaking problem. It is even worse on console. Because:

  1. we are not able to pick up the exact item we want. If there drop 3 yellow and 3 legi at same place. And we get there, we are forced to pick up everything. If we dont stand still.
  2. We dont want to have yellowas in the inventory, at wt4. We dont want to be forced to pick them up, farm them for veiled crystals. This ruins the game flow.
  3. We do not need white, blue or yellow items in the endgame. For our gear. this is good. You make it good with 2 Affix on them. We only equip Legi or better.

If this stay like it is. We need (are litterly forced) to pick up all item (as it was all the time) stop aktivity because of full inventory. tp. black smith. tp. go on with the game. Please patch this stop&go gameplay. Improve the gameflow. You have made some steps. Now 1 more.

Here is the solution for the problem:
Drop white, blue and yellow items in wt4 (maybe above Charakter Level 80) as mats. On the ground or direkt into the pocket of player. And reduce the over all cost of veiled crystalls.

Even if you dont reduce the cost, i am fine with. Bacause i can farm mats in a good gameflow. It s the easyest way i can think of. Then we can pick up fast the legendary s and mats. Do 10 pits or nmd in a row, before we townportl (tp). We can do a half hour or maybe a full helltide without tp.

You have made a exciting job on the kodex & helltide.

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The veiled crystal hunt on the PTR was a real pain.

Hopefully they at least reduce the amount needed to imprint aspects.

I would also be in favor of them changing the autolooting to the chest from grabbing up to 20 legendries to just autolooting everything that drops with no item limit that we can sort through later.

Diablo has always been a grind. Not much has changed. No need for change.