PTR Minion Stats

To anyone who’s playing PTR, with the new 100% player stat minion scaling, were +minion stats reworked? Also, what happened to the paragon glyphs/nodes that give +minion armor/res now that minions will likely be armor/res capped by the player stats?

Minions are crushing the game right now, which could be a problem as they might get hit with the nerf bat.

Im wondering if they might be bugged and we do not know it yet. The minions are destroying everything. Wonder if shaman pets are doing the same.

To answer your questions, minion stats remain the same and the paragon board’s defenses are unchanged and mostly useless.

Minion paragon boards are completely borked right now and I’d be impressed if that gets cleaned up before seasonal launch. I do expect a lot of other adjustments from this patch but that’s probably a project for another day.

Let’s hope not; considering that there are much more broken (i don’t think it’s broken) builds than minions,

i don’t understand who decided that it’s okay to have the strong barbarian and sorc build, and not the other builds :rofl:


Seriously; Barbs and Sorcs have been allowed to run absolutely roughshod over the game for 3 seasons now and Blizz’s response has been 'let power builds be powerful for a season" but god forbid minion necros get a moment in the sun.

I don’t necessarily want to 1 shot everything but Ide be fine with NOT SUCKING for ONCE since the game launched.

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Have you seen how absolutely broken Rapid Fire and Hurricane can get?

yes it was just an example; it was a statement to who complain about pure minions build being strong or whathever in PTR;

since the game release until season 3 they sucked; and i saw people whining about minions when there are all the other builds that are way more powerfull than pure minions since the beginning of the game till season 3

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Necro minions are far from broken…

Look at druid hurricane (this will for sure be nerfed)

Barb dust devils

Sorc being imortal…

Necro minions just work fine right now, they are pretty much balanced. If nerfed, it will fall behind all other classes in high lvl Pit…

People that think minions are too powefull, are comparing old pure minion vs PTR, which was a great overhal (a needed overhal).


I did summoner/ce and topped out at 92 in the pit. With more time for gear I could easily see 100+ in the pit.

I did pit lvl 95, and honestly i dont see any reason to do more than lvl 80, unless for pride.

Its possible do higher lvls, just like any other class/builds can do, actually there is a sorc and barb videos doing way high than necros, with less effort.

I got to pit 130 … before i lost interest. Basically dying in the pit as a summoner is supper punishing.

You would laugh but Temerity + dodge = OP defenses. Once your dodge is over 50 % you can’t be killed unless it’s a oneshot.

Another thing I noticed is that lots of PTR minion videos run 1h+offhand instead of 2h scythes. Why is this? It used to be that minions only scaled with attack power and not weapon dps.

Because you need more slots for more aspects depending on build. Using a 2h for any class is a build that very specifically banks on the 200% modifier to a specific aspect the entire build is centered around or heavily utilizes uber 2h or some other specific 2h unique. Otherwise 1h + offhand is 2 aspects vs 1 for specs that need a lot of different aspects.

I can’t say I’ve been paying attention to PTR long enough to really know what people are thinking, but personally I’m thinking Reanimation or something like that on 2H is going to be my choice unless I end up being super reliant on some utility or defensive aspect for some unique effect that I cant fit in elsewhere.

I know a lot of people highly value things like CDR, DR, Life, Lucky Hit and stuff like that from offhands though, but personally I’m not seeing much need for the CDR or Lucky hit with how I wanna play minions, I’ll most likely be doing either some 2H scythe setup because I love life on kill, or Scythe + Shield setup because survivability is feeling harder to get.

I would like to see what the top minion players think though, I’m out of the loop on builds since S1 and I’m totally interested in the theorycrafting space right now for minions.