PTR - Is Juggernauts aspect a bug? 10342 armor at max level?

pretty sure its not a bug, being a little cheeky.
why should one aspect reach the lvl 100 “of equal level” armor cap (9200ish?) and then some… with zero other sources of armor.

like shouldn’t it be like 4k armor

I could be wrong but I think it counts as “base armor” which would get multiplied by all sources of Armor%. Mine at max IP only gives me like 5900.

on live it shows about 5.9k but on the ptr it was 10k.

when disobediance got changed to 40% i thought the next thing would be juggernaut reduced to 3-4k but the opposite happened.

(added PTR to title :grinning:)

PTR Bug Reports are a different forum section.