PTR is a mess, but here is my Minion Necro feedback

So my limited feedback is:

  • Pit is broken, I went from speed farming pit 115 with no real threat of death, to struggling on the Pit100 boss with many one shots. Basically health and boss damage are back to their pre nerfed state with the addition of stacking debuffs. Cannot compare and contrast my char to live here.

  • I cannot find a single new unique.

  • I tried a Tier 8 infernal horde with my decked out 12/12 masterworked char. I got 1 shot in waves 8/9. mini bosses were bullet sponges… literally more health then a pit boss in a 125 pit on live. I will say its density is bad and its loot rewards are terrible.

  • I did a Tier 7 (monster level 180) infernal horde which had more 1 shot mechanics then a pit 100 with monster at level 199 on the PTR, and lets remember Pit on the PTR is broken and full of boss 1 shots. The last bosses of the Infernal hordes just 1 shots, everything still has to much health and the experience was frustrating and unenjoyable knowing I had wasted my attempt after several minutes and got no rewards. My gear was the same as I used in the Tier 8 attempt.

  • I have been unable until lately to temper my gear due to having no patterns.

  • Great change to uber bosses, they are so much easier to repeat farm now.

  • Necromancer still feels far to squishy and summoner seems like its damage is quite a bit worse then live. Though its very hard to be sure given how wonky the PTR is. I hope this is not going to be yet another season of barbs dominating, content being balanced for them and slightly off meta builds being unable to clear the hardest content (tier 8 infernal hordes).

  • Necromancer minion paragon nodes are still a mess as well as death’s defense on the skill tree. We don’t need minion resistance, armour or health. We need meaningful damage choices.

  • Necromancer paragon board building on live is just stringing health nodes together with as many glyphs as possible and the relevant multiplicative legendary nodes. This has not been addressed, we need more health from other sauces.

  • Warrior and mage glyph for the necromancer have useless secondary powers, they should just give the same as the golem. 25%x more damage.

  • A two hand Scythe using necromancer (minionmancer) with one unique has 8 aspect slots… this is extremely hard to build around. If you expect us to run 2-3 uniques, its going to be close to impossible to have any synergistic aspects in our builds.

  • why have you added a minion damage reduction temper when no minion is dying outside of the completely overtuned tier 8 infernal horde.

  • Ring of Mendeln THIS RINGS UNIQUE POWER DOES NOT SCALE WITH MINION MODIFIERS!!! A minion focused unique that doesn’t benefit from minion focused modifiers will never be a build defining unique or even used for that matter! It was only used in pervious seasons for a necro damage focused build where you used the minions purely as conduits for YOUR damage through the ring and others spells like BCE.
    Changing lucky hit to summoning damage is not a damn fix for this ring!!

If you want players to test your game, i suggest doing what you did on D3 PTR and add item vendors so we can just gear up and go ahead and test your game. I don’t understand why you have to learn this lesson again.

I hope to see some huge changes for the second half of PTR so we can give more useful feedback.

A suggestion. Stop making multiplicative damage modifiers on uniques and less on aspects too. Add interesting and game changing modifiers. Think in d3, Tall man’s finger and Short man’s finger, while in d2 we had beast and chaos runewords.


Blizzard isn’t known for learning lessons. Take stash for example. It’s been an issue since the beginning days of the Diablo franchise.

The damage loss from Blighted aspect realy feels on summoner.