PTR: Difference between Torment 3 and Torment 4

is substantial.

If people think it is no big deal, then I don’t know what to tell them.

I was killing T3 bosses in less than 5 seconds and T4 bosses were killing me because it was taking so long due to their high HPs, that I kept getting too many stacks of debuffs.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying I am an elite player, but I can solo every Tormented boss in season 5 on multiple classes in softcore and hardcore.

So am I saying they need to tone down T4? Not at all. I am glad it is a big jump. Just be ready for those who complain that it is too hard.

Queue the “It’s too easy” crowd in 3, 2, 1…


people will always complain no matter what. you make it easier they whine that its too easy and have beaten everything in day 1. you make it harder they cry because they can’t beat everything in day 1, so by definition players especially here will always cry.

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Pretty much, how it goes. I don’t mind difficulty as long as its rewarding to play. I don’t mean in terms of loot but in terms of not ripping my hair out because of nonsense. If i can survive a boss and it takes me 10-15 minutes to kill I don’t mind that, but if it takes me the same 10-15 minutes to kill and be an absolute sweat lord can’t make a single mistake need in order to survive no thanks.

You’re an elite player, sir. Everyone can point to someone who is better, but ‘soloing tormented bosses on hardcore mode’ has got to put you in the top 10 percentile.
That also gives your input weight and makes me feel better about the difficulty jump. I’m glad to hear it is very challenging.


When I first tried the PTR Torment 4 Bosses, I got slapped in one hit and I barely scratched it. I remember the same experience when I did my first Tormented Boss in S5 (since I skipped S4).

But eventually I was able to work on my build in S5 and slap the boss really quick.

I noticed the same pattern against the PTR Torment 4 boss. Eventually my build was able to slap it quick. I think ieventually it will be the same difficulty (or same easiness)

I don’t rly understood what you count as T3 bosses.

Cuz pit 50 boss is a T3 boss, pit 64 is still a T3 boss.

There is a pretty big difference betweet pit 64 and pit 65 but it’s understandable, but difference between boss in pit 50 and pit 65 is really overwhelming. So they at least should adjust that.

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Well, I gave in and followed a build guide for LS Sorc and was able to solo the Torment 4 bosses.

I guess I am just really bad at figuring out which paragon board to use and even which glyphs to use. So yeah, that is definitely humbling.

If people don’t complain though the forums will die off. Don’t take my fun away from me!

I think he means the Duriels and Varshan type bosses.

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T4 eventually does get easy. When I first went to T4 duriel kicked my butt. But I leveled my glyphs and replaced some gear and killed him. After using the boosts and getting some runes that enabled an extra 80× it got even easier and duriel dies in about 30 secs. Which is slow but I’m playing bash barb.

But I think that should be the goal of this game. To eventually get into easy mode by the end of the season as it shows your power has grown. The problem before was that easy mode came way too fast and just got easier.

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Yep. Eventually I wanna get to the point where things become really easy because I worked hard for it and not because day 2 I am already god mode. I also would prefer if it’s possible without going full meta. For example, not going LS Sorc and instead just doing Incinerate (assuming I did all the possible correct things and not just some haphazard build)

Let me do it for you = Blizz, I am approaching 40, I don’t have the patience to run your autism hamster wheel 4+ hours a day, every day for 3 months. Please, keep the difficulty and the grind in check. If you want to provide a challenge difficulty do it exactly as a difficulty, without boosting the rewards. Make torment 5 where the mobs drop the exact same things in the exact same amounts, make a ladderboard for it and let the masos feast without screwing normal people over.

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It’s like playing the stock market or playing the piano: you get out of it the time you put into it. Nothing is handed to you.

You are suggesting that there shouldn’t be a higher frequency of rewards - not better rewards, but the frequency - because you don’t have the time to play on the hardest levels? Not only is that ridiculous, but it’s pathetic, in a way. just play Torment 3 and be fine with not being the best. You’re the one saying you’re limited, so be limited.

What level are your Glyphs? I am seeing some crazy numbers when Glyphs are high level enough.

They did that already. It’s called Torment 4. You get the same exact gear in Torment 3.

So… let’s the game begin…
When topics come to different on the game, there will be always both sides (or even 3 sides) => too easy, good as it is, too hard.
In my opinion, torment 4 is too hard and WAY too good rewards compared to torment 3.
I mean it’s ridiculous having x5 times the masterworking mats in nightmare dungeons compared t3 to t4… x1.5 okay… but x5? The gaps are far too wide.
Not spoken from t1 or t2 that are even worse and just demotivating to play.

Are you dense, or are you pretending to be? Torment 3 does not drop sufficient amount of stuff to complete a toon. If it did torment 4 would be superfluous.

I don’t mind it being hard, but once I’ve done the gear grind and gotten the tempers and stuff I want it to be doable. It should be something that everyone strives for and grinds for so they can get better loot. It shouldn’t be something that is just for top tier players and streamers.

You said that and you honestly asked if I was dense? You are unworthy of my time. Move along.

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