PTR Aspect change request

My idea for current aspects would be to have aspects as a slot-selectable option instead of attached to the piece of gear. For example, I want to be able to use razorplate for some unique idea of a build, but I need Juggernaught aspect (or some other “chest armor” aspect) to make the build work. With my idea you could select your “enchant” for the “Body Armor” slot to be the desired aspect while still using the unique armor. Now, I know this will affect the current “Legendary” gear that drops, but that’s fine becuase now they can just have stats and/or a “legendary” stat like (Chance to poison) or something greater like (your attacks have a chance to summon a Hydra).

I feel like making a change like this will allow people to get that feeling of build diversity without having to change the skill tree all that much and gear would be more exciting to find with the chance of these random effects!

Wear Juggernaught on your pants or necklace. We already have a lot of changes, we don’t need you to change that. What we need is a belt, shoulder pads, etc.

That’s not really the point. The point is if I want to make a build with 8 Uniques I can still use the aspects. Plus, with the Legendaries losing the aspects, now they can have an actual “legendary” property on them.

Opportunity cost. The choice is on the player. Decide if you want to use unique or legendary aspect. It’s a good game design when players feels this way.

The problem is you’re not giving me the choice, you’re making the choice for me. The aspect for that slot is almost always better, so why can’t we have the option for both? Also, do you not think that the items would be more enticing?

If anything is mandatory, it should be in the class baseline WITHOUT items or skill points or paragon board. One item is always better than the other because of the build. Change your build and you don’t want that item anymore.