PS5 version is causing overheating and shutting off the console

I had exactly the same issue, with the console shutting down every 40 minutes. I solved this problem in the following way: I opened both side covers and cleaned both fans, then played Diablo all day with the console open and it didn’t shut down once. The issue appears to stem from the fact that there’s no air intake through the side covers, causing the console to overheat significantly. As a solution, you could purchase covers with holes under the fans for heat dissipation and an additional vertical cooling system for air intake from the bottom. Or you could simply play without the side covers at all.

I replaced my side covers with covers with vents over the fans on both sides. The system doesn’t seem to be working too hard. Hoping that will counter heat build up.

I just became of victim of a dead PS5 as well due to D4.
I can get to safe mode, but then nothing. Just blue flashing lights.

(For reference mine was sitting vertically, which seems to be the wrong choice here.)

yall are scaring me with these replies… mines still okay but now im worried…

I just made it to World Tier 3. I was a LVL 52!

Im pretty sure the real issue is game optimization…Not the ps5’s themselves.

If it was happening with multiple games, then yeah…but if you have to fine tune your ps5 for one specific game so it doesnt overheat…The game is the issue. Not the ps5 :frowning:


Anyone find any acknowledgement of this issue from blizzard yet? Think they care or are looking into it? :man_shrugging:

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Same here. Just opening the character gear interface will shut down the console. Trying to delete a character will also shut down the console. And getting worse while gaming with constant “too hot” warning. I can also hear the console fan whirring loudly. All these only when playing Diablo IV. Other games play normally as usual.

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I don’t think this issue has been addressed. I still continue to get auto shut down on my console playing Diablo IV.


Have the same issue. Opening the inventory will auto shut down the console. Trying to delete a character also shuts down the console.

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I agree with you that its not the console that’s the problem.

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For anyone whos interested i recommend bringing this post and problem up in the “technical Support” forum. Been doing a bit of digging around this site and Console bug reports appear all but abandoned…The last Blue post was over 3 weeks ago.

However… Technical Support appears to get a lot of blue posts froma guy named “PezRadar” . he last posted 3 hours ago explaining a patch is on its way for a problem someone posted. Seems this guys on the ball! So head over to Technical support and try your luck there! I havent had this problem. If i did id do it myself! :smiley:


Bricked my ps4 hard drive today. I urge everyone to file a BBB report.

I had this happen over the weekend, so before the patch. Was rubber banding and lagging. Got kicked out of group chat and game crashed. Logged back in and it was fine. A while later it started again. I checked my ps5 for heat, which i do often and for the first time since ive had it it was really hot. My ps5 is on a metal stand isolated from anything so it gets great air flow. I turned in my attic fan, moved it a lttle closer to the window for the cool air flow. It was really hot that day amd my ac is not working. So if you have hotter ambient temps than usual it could be the cause. But, as well ventilated as my ps5 is i was concerned. Maybe its the game or maybe my house was too warm.

Hey, I can help you out. I’m an electronics repair technician and have fixed other PS5’s that have shown no signs of life. This is most likely a motherboard repair, let’s just hope it hasn’t damaged the APU, which is rare but can never rule it out. Doesn’t mean it can’t be as simple as a power supply.

Hey man I should be able to help you out. It sounds like the repair tech just swapped the motherboard out? He should’ve repaired it, but it’s possible that even with a repair the only fix for this issue is to put the PS5 on its side. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: