PS5 to PS4 trophies not auto popping

Hopefully blizzard will fix this. its annoying. i want to play on PS5 more but i dont want to risk not being able to get plat on the PS4 i’ve already earned on…

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I sure hope blizzard ends up fixing this soon

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I can confirm I am having the same issues. Specifically, 10 Imbued items from Codex of Power, and 10 Chaos Caches from Tree of Whispers turn-ins. (Curious Collector, and Chaotic Whispers). I have both unlocked on PS5, and requirements met in the Challenges list, but they do not pop on PS4, nor can I increment a counter that would repop, etc. Oddly enough, killing Uber Lilith on PS5 DID transfer to PS4 when I logged in. (Hoping Hardcore to 50 does too when I get that done…)

I believe the issue is related to the fact that it is not possible to continue progress on PS4 because the challenge is already unlocked in the Challenges list. On PS5, the trophy system was improved where it has stat tracking ON the trophy, but PS4 relies on the trigger from the game to pop it. I can’t confirm that these autopop or not on the PS5 version, because I already did most of them on PS5. Since the Challenge requirement is met, I cannot redo the challenge to have it pop again, which is why we can only rely on Autopop for it to work.

Something must have changed at some point, where the trophy checking process isn’t working like it was prior. I would guess maybe the challenge ID changed, some seasonal changes might have broken the connection to the checker, or something along those lines. I know some “broken” trophies in other games, when requirements are met, if you make progress towards it, since the counter changes, it also does a check for the trophy requirement and would pop it.

Ideally, either when a trophy requirement counter is incremented, or upon login, I think it should reverify trophy requirements. If I have 10 imbues, and I go imbue another item w/ codex of power, it should go “Oh, my number went up to 11, which is past 10, let me send a ‘pop the trophy’ request to the thing”. Or like a lot of the live service, cross progress, autopop server side things, it should verify the challenges that are also trophies, and go thru the list of trophies and just send unlock requests for that list if already achieved.

Just throwing some ideas out to get checked. idk what I’m talking about tbh lol. Me just want shiny thingy so brain go “good job nerd”

Still isn’t fixed. Season 3. No communication from developers at all


blizzard can we get this fixed. im nervous to play on PS5 to ruin myself from getting all trophies vs PS4 from what i started on.


This is super lame that it still isn’t fixed…

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Same issue for me :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:


Same issue here, I got platinum on PS4, upgraded to PS5, only got 7 trophies. Game has been out 10 months, no fix, no reply from Blizzard either


Blizzard fix your trophies i accidently downloaded the ps5 and got 50 berserking kills on ps5 now i cant unlock it on the ps4 no matter how many berserk kills i get. Ive played your games since youve begun but i think this is the final straw with your company. Way to kill loyal players with such a trivial easy thing to fix.


This is amazing, this is going on months now and still hasnt been fixed.


Same issue. I unlocked 1 trophy on my ps4 while on lunch break, (Chaotic Whispers) and now I am locked out of my PS5 platinum trophy.

Please Blizzard, fix the trophy sync issue. Your support told me it was a Sony issue. But when I contacted Sony, they told me it was a Blizzard issue.

Please help!

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Still no fix, really disappointing to see how you get treated once they have your money.

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Logged today after season 4 patch and the trophies popped, finally got my platinum!!

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Happy to share that I logged in and got the trophy!!! Hello Platinum!

It’s really fixed, got my Platinum trophy on PS4. Must wait to access to my PS5 to unlock it too. Thanks Blizzard, it took so long, but finally we got it.

I can confirm that the platinum now pops with the new season 4 patch.

Confirm all trophies popped in my ps4 version and got the platinum trophy.
Although the fix is so late, still thank you Blizzard! Hope season 4 can make Diablo 4 great again!

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They solved it!! Thanks, Blizzard!

Auto pop platinum PS5 > PS4 is finally fixed!
Thank you!

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has PC → PS5 trophies been fixed? I started playing on PC since launch and want to go on ps5 to couch play and get the plat as well. anyone know if trophies that way have been fixed?