PS5 game won’t load beyond Star Game on Character selection screen

I am on day two of working to debug this issue.

I installed Diablo 4 to my M.2 drive on my PS5 initially. After a bit of time downloading I went to play the game and was able to get myself to the character creation screen. I made a Champaign seasonal character and selected start game.

The game then loads to a white screen where it sits for about a minute and 20 seconds and then returns to the character screen. No errors or indication of an issue.

I checked these forums and other sites and tried a few things:

  1. relocated the install to the console drive instead of the m.2
  2. created a non campaign character. This strangely did the same thing but with a black screen instead of white.
  3. entirely uninstalled the game and reinstalled it on the ps5.

I have a PS Plus account and my internet speed is 100mbps up and about 5mbps down according to the PS5 test. Everything is hardwired.

At a loss here and not excited about dropping $80 on a game that isn’t working.

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