Profane Mindcage in Saison 5

Since it was confirmed that they will be back in Saison 5 and can stack up to 3 times, which means alot more Cinders. It would be nice to have more ways of spending them.

Add more chests to Helltides or maybe add 1 Super Chest in the last 5 minutes of Helltides that eats all of your remaining Cinders a gives tons of loot.

How about a Rare Elite Mimic Chest ? You give it your Cinders, the thing tries to kill you, you kill it for a better chance at getting Uniques or GA Items.


Aye Quite curious about the scalling of those stacked Mindcages out there

It will be interesting for sure

Im happy to leave the Helltide when i finish getting all the chests, but im really happy to hear we can kill more challenging monsters in Helltide.
Wish theyd make a less cumbersome system for setting difficulty.

That’s a cool idea.
I loved and hated those tings way back in D&D.
If it rolled a high attack roll and you failed a saving’s throw - it could partially swallow you.
1d4 + whatever per round damage while in its maw.
Party members with physical attacks got a negative to their attack rolls - basically they had to roll to see if they hit YOU vs the Mimic(specifics were up to the DM as to how it was handled).

But yea that would be neat. Either the Chest(Mimic) or a Kixx/HT Commander spawn - or even guest appearances: Bloodborne, Blood Maiden etc.

I think the amount of cinders you can get is fine (i want to say they rotate in 3-4 new normal chests every 20 mins?), but the problem is the living steel chest that i dont bother to open anymore. For every one set of varshan mats, you have about 30-40 living steel.

2 of these chests add up to 550 cinders that im not bothering to open. Maybe if the living steel chest gave a bunch of different mats?

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Maybe they could include a Varshan mat chest to help balance that discrepancy.


I guess? I think there is definitely plenty of cinders to obtain, but the big hold up is that two chests quickly become pointless

Can’t say but I’m pretty sure drops will be the same. If the rewards are better it might be worth it.

It’s good to know I’m not the only one ignoring the most expensive chest. It always felt like I was doing it wrong.

They are buffing whispers, I hope we get more body parts. Or a helltide chest that drops body parts. I also have about 20 steel for every 1 body part atm

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End game the only time i did Ht was for angelbreath,since you won’t need it for enchanting i can see myself doing it less. You just need nm dungeons and whisper to level. Gear, I found a few good g/a doing this.

You don’t need a lot of gear to do the content in this game if you are just going for pit level 100.

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This. Angelbreath is the sole reason I was doing HT with my lv 100 character.

Its only going to require the Hearts now… No more hands, no more heads, no more femurs

I mean the “expensive chest” is a good source for 9-12 Angelsbreath…

I would love to create insane HT’s through MC stacking lol.

True, I completely forgot about that. A good change.