Pre-ordered DLC on Battle net but I don't have access on my Steam

Steam account is linked to Battle net but I don’t have access to the DLC.

Make a bug report here.

If you purchased base on steam then you need to purchase the dlc on steam as well. Or if you purchase dlc on bnet then you need the base on bnet. There is no cross client. Doesn’t matter if you link your bnet account or not. That just makes it cross progression if you own on both.

Bought the game on Steam, also bought the expansion on steam. Spiritborn is locked and so is the new area.


I only purchased the base game on Steam. As for battlenet - I have its Deluxe edition and the DLC. Am I missing something?

Must be an update that didn’t apply or blizz is having credential problems with steam then. You don’t need to buy anything else if you have both base and expansion on same client.

You would still need the expansion on steam as well if you want to play through steam. It should have everything unlocked playing through bnet though.

If you buy expansion on steam too just buy the base expansion. Your deluxe items will still apply.

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is what I think Soluss means, Altair. Nvm

That’s unfortunate. Thanks for the clarification, Soluss. If I’d known that would be the case - I would have bought the DLC through Steam instead.

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No I mean just buy the base edition of the expansion. The deluxe items from his pc edition will be available on both as long as it’s the same account.

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If i buy it on steam does blizz get less money?

Yep, I see it now. :+1:

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Bought DLC standart version via Steam (in july), but after its release I didn’t get it.

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